Freedom of Religion in Secular and Religious Cultures

7.5 credits

Syllabus, Master's level, 5RT530

A revised version of the syllabus is available.
Education cycle
Second cycle
Main field(s) of study and in-depth level
Human Rights A1N
Grading system
Fail (U), Pass (G), Pass with distinction (VG)
Finalised by
The Faculty Board of Theology, 5 March 2013
Responsible department
Department of Theology

General provisions

The course may be included in the Master's programme in human rights 120 credits.

Entry requirements

Higher education about at least 180 credits where the main field of study consists of at least 90 credits in human rights or subject within legal, humanistic-philosophical, social sciences or theological main field of study, or the equivalent, including an individual assignment about at least 15 credits. Proficiency in Swedish equivalent to the general entry requirements for first-cycle (Bachelor's level) studies.

Learning outcomes

The course aim is that the student should receive advanced knowledge of how the religious freedom should be designed in a world where different religious and secular ideologies are expected to coexist and cooperate. Different interpretations of the meaning of the religious freedom are studied and become objects for critical review. Particularly, the question how the religious freedom should be related to the other host and rights are noticed.

On completion of the course, the student is expected to be able to:

  • with high grade of independence identify and formulate such problems that apply to the religious freedom implication in a world where different religious and secular ideologies are expected to coexist
  • with high grade of independence analyse such theories that deal with the question about the meaning of the religious freedom and the question how the religious freedom should be entitled critically
  • independently formulate and argue for a position in the question about what religious freedom implies and how it should be related to the other host and rights
  • be able to present analyses of theories of the meaning of the religious freedom and its entitling for an academic both as a non-academic target group both in speeches and writing


In the course, a number of basic questions that deal with the meaning of the religious freedom are set and its entitling in a world where different ideologies are expected to cooperate. What does religious freedom in a multicultural imply society? Which arguments can be stated because the religious freedom is entitled? How keeping the religious freedom to the other host and rights? Is the other rights that weigh heavier than the right to religious freedom? How should the religious freedom be designed to give sufficient protection to particularly exposed groups for example women and children?


The teaching consists of compulsory lectures and seminars that deal with current research around different theories of the meaning of the religious freedom and its entitling.


The course is examined through home exam and/or minor essay. At the seminars is required actively participation and implementing of presentation assignments.

Other directives

For completed course, at least 75% attendance on the teaching parts that are described in the course syllabus is required. Absence in addition be compensated by supplementary assignment (- you) that be determined of course coordinator.

Transitional provisions

Individuals that reading this course according to older course syllabus has possibility to examine course according to the course syllabus within two years after course date. If there are special reasons, such retake can take place also later. Normally, teaching according to older course syllabus is not given.

