Business Aspects on Sustainability

7.5 credits

Syllabus, Master's level, 2FE990

Education cycle
Second cycle
Main field(s) of study and in-depth level
Business Studies A1N
Grading system
Fail (U), Pass (G), Pass with distinction (VG)
Finalised by
The Board of the Department of Business Studies, 13 March 2013
Responsible department
Department of Business Studies

General provisions

Master programme course- track Master in Sustainable Management

Entry requirements

A Bachelor's degree equivalent to a Swedish degree of at least 180 credits with at least 90 credits in business studies. Proficiency in English. This is normally attested by means of an internationally recognised test such as TOEFL or IELTS.

Learning outcomes

The overall aim of the course is to develop students' theoretical knowledge of the Sustainability discourse and the students’ ability to critically analyse and assess this discourse from a business perspective

Having completed the course, students are expected to be able to:

• Describe and understand theories and concepts of Sustainable Development, Corporate Social Responsibility and the emergence and diffusion of these concepts in various business contexts

• Be able to analyse claims about the causal relation between economic development and environmental and social development

• Articulate problems of sustainability as a system of interlinked concepts

• Examine the sustainability discourse from different theoretical perspectives

• Assess the design and outcome of Sustainability models in contemporary business and organisations.


The course is divided into three main parts: Fundamentals of Sustainability, Economic perspectives on Sustainability and Sustainability and business practices. Initially in the part Fundamentals of Sustainability global views and actions for accomplishing Sustainability in society is presented and discussed. Second in the part Economic perspectives on Sustainability, perceived challenges are analysed. The first two parts are based upon individual studies and participation in seminars. The third part, Sustainability and business practices, highlight examples of how sustainability concepts such as CSR, Social return on investment and Sustainability reports influence business practices. Besides individual performance it is also based upon group work.


Topics are presented in lectures, case studies, workshops and project work.


Examination consists of a in class written exam, individual papers and a group report.

Uppsala University takes cheating and plagiarism seriously, and disciplinary

action will be taken against any student suspected of being involved in any sort of cheating and/or plagiarism. The disciplinary action takes the form of

warnings and limited suspensions.

NOTE: Only completed courses can count toward a degree.

