Arabic C

30 credits

Syllabus, Bachelor's level, 5AB420

A revised version of the syllabus is available.
Education cycle
First cycle
Main field(s) of study and in-depth level
Semitic Languages G2F
Grading system
Fail (U), Pass (G), Pass with distinction (VG)
Finalised by
The Department Board, 25 October 2013
Responsible department
Department of Linguistics and Philology

General provisions

The course is an independent course. The course can be included in the sub area Arabic in a Bachelor’s degree.

Entry requirements

Arabic A 30 credits and the course Arabic Grammar and text, 7.5 credits and at least one of the courses grammar and textual linguistics, 7.5 credits or Arabic literature, 7.5 credits within Arabic B.

Learning outcomes

The aim of the course is to give skills and knowledge in several registers of the Arabic language with electives such as classical Arabic, media Arabic, modern Arabic dialects and additional specialisation in modern Standard Arabic. In the course, a module in general linguistic methodology is included. In addition area courses on either the history of the MENA-region or Social structures in The Orient may be studied..

With respect to module 1: Modern Arabic texts with grammar and language proficiency

• with aids read and translate different modern Arabic literary, media- and non-fiction texts;

• with aids analyse modern Standard Arabic texts with Swedish and Arabic linguistic terminology;

• with aids produce stylistically simple texts in modern Arabic;

• actively conduct a conversation in modern Standard Arabic with a vocabulary that includes the subjects that have been treated in the texts and social situations in varying areas of formality.

With respect to module 2: Modern Arabic dialects

• account for the distinctive features and spread of the modern spoken dialects and in greater detail describe distinctive grammatical features of a specific Arabic dialect mainly the Damascus- or the Cairo-dialect, and on an elementary proficiency level conduct a conversation in the chosen dialect.

With respect to module 3: Classical Arabic texts and classical grammar

• without aid translate and with linguistic terminology analyse given intermediate classical Arabic texts and in connection with the text study account for the syntax and textual linguistics of classical Arabic.

With respect to module 4: Arabic Media Texts

• translate and account for the contents of the news-matter in Arabic magazines;

• summarise news texts from Arabic television.

With respect to module 5: The Middle East, North Africa, Central and South Asia

• have a basic knowledge of the geographic and geopolitical conditions of the region;

• on a general level be able to account for the fundamental features and the periodisation of the history of North Africa, The Middle East, Central Asia and South Asia until modern times;

• be able to date more important events in the political development of the region up to 1900;

• from a historical perspective be able to give example of consequences of the colonisation of the region.

With respect to module 6: Social structures in the Orient

• display a sociological perspective for analysing social and religious processes and developments in The Middle East, North Africa, the Central and South Asia on a both public and private level;

• describe the fundamental features of the family law in the regions;

• account for the fundamental features of the traditional tribal structure;

• account for the fundamental features of the traditional family structure;

• account for religiously based social networks;

• account for how prevailing social and religious structures influence people’s identity, loyalties and behaviour patterns in everyday life (social, religious, legal and political);

• describe the role of religion in the modernisation process in an optional country;

• account for how the modernisation of society influences traditional social structures and create tensions between traditionalism and modernity;

• account for how migration and urbanisation influence the social structures in society;

• present examples of social and religious structures among ethnic and religious minority groups.

With respect to module 7: Course on linguistic methodology (new module from autumn term 2014)


to the extent that teaching is given, the student chooses two of the modules 1-4, and one of the modules 5-6. Module 7 is compulsory from autumn term 2014.

Module 1: Modern Arabic texts with grammar and language proficiency, 7.5 credits Module 2: Modern Arabic dialects, 7.5 credits Module 3: Classical Arabic texts and grammar, 7.5 credits Module 4: Arabic media texts, 7.5 credits Module 5: The Middle East, North Africa, the Central and South Asia, 7.5 credits Module 6: Social structures in the Orient, 7.5 credits Module 7: Linguistic methodology, 7.5 credits


The teaching consists of lectures, exercises and examination parts. The student’s own learning activities are crucial for completion of the course.


The students show the results of his learning through oral and written parts, of which are included written essays. Regulations concerning this will be available at the beginning of the course. To receive the grade Pass with distinction, Pass with distinction in at least three of the included modules is required.

Present-day Arabic dialects: Examination takes place through written submissions and minor essays. In these, listening comprehension and recording a dialogue are included.

Other directives

The course may not be included in a degree if equivalent parts have been read within another course included in the degree. The courses that not are read within Arabic C can as supplements be read within Arabic C3.

Transitional provisions

Under höstterminen 2013 is substituted module 5, The Middle East, North Africa, Central and South Asia of the course the modern history of the Arabic world. Autumn term 2013 have students possibility also to choose the course Languages and literature in The Middle East the Central and South Asia.

