The Psychology of Working Life B

30 credits

Syllabus, Bachelor's level, 2PP532

A revised version of the syllabus is available.
Education cycle
First cycle
Main field(s) of study and in-depth level
Psychology G1F, Psychology G1F
Grading system
Fail (U), Pass (G), Pass with distinction (VG)
Finalised by
The Department Board, 19 June 2013
Responsible department
Department of Psychology

General provisions

The course is given within the Program for a specialisation in staff and work issues. The programme coordinating department is the Department of Education. The Department of Psychology is responsible for the course.

Entry requirements

Psychology with a Specialisation in Working Life A or the equivalent

Learning outcomes

Sub-course 1: Research method I, 7.5 credits

After completing the sub-course the student should at a basic level be able to:

• evaluate merits and shortcomings of both experimental and non-experimental research methods,

• determine which research method has been used in a study and be able to critically evaluate the study's conclusions

• choose among different parametric and non-parametric methods for statistical analysis and then carry out a statistical analysis

• use a statistical program for basic statistical analyses

• apply basic theoretical scientific concepts to the field of psychology.

Sub-course 2: Psychology of Learning and Cognition, 7.5 credit points

After completing the sub-course, the student should be able to:

- Define and describe the subject areas cognition and psychology of learning.

• Convey current central theoretical models of cognitive psychology and describe how these can explain different observed phenomena, and identify possible shortcomings of these models.

• Give a general report on how psychological principles of learning may be used to influence behaviours.

• On the basis of psychological principles of cognition, give suggestions for applications within e.g. learning situations.

• Formulate a scientific problem within cognitive psychology and identify methods to solve this problem.

• At a basic level, plan and carry out a smaller study of a cognitive phenomenon with human participants.

• Compile and describe data and draw basic conclusions on the basis of the results.

• In group collaboration, produce a written report that follows established formal criteria and basic requirements of scientific publication

• Lead critical discussions of scientific method regarding another student's work and defend one's own work verbally.

Sub-course 3: Perception, 7.5 credit points

After completing the sub-course, the student should be able to:

• account at a general level for central theories and problems within perception psychology,

• account at a general level for the development of and the neurological background to human perceptual functions,

• plan, carry out, present and write a report on an experimental study.

Sub-course 4: Social psychology, 7.5 credit points

After completing the sub-course, the student should be able to:

• account for phenomena that are investigated within experimental social psychology

• account for theories within experimental social psychology

• define and illustrate concepts within experimental social psychology

• apply concepts within experimental social psychology to everyday phenomena

• design an experimental study of a socio-psychological phenomenon

• design a correlational study of a socio-psychological phenomenon


Sub-course 1: Research methods

The sub-course contains three principle parts: methods, statistics, and scientific theory. In the sub-course, research methods within general psychology are introduced as is the employment of statistical methods, e.g., analysis of variance and regression analysis. In this part of the course, laboratory sessions and assisted problem solving are included. The sub-course also gives a short presentation of theory of science in order to place the teachings of methods and statistics in a scientific, meaningful context.

Sub-course 2: Psychology of Learning and Cognition

The sub-course gives a general introduction to the psychology of learning and cognitive psychology. The section on learning (corresponding to 1.5 credit points) focuses on how behaviours develop in interaction between an individual and the environment with an emphasis on classical and operant conditioning. The main emphasis of the sub-course is on cognitive psychology (corresponding to 4.5 credit points) that focuses on thinking and knowledge processes, with among other things, memory as a central component. Other subject areas that are considered are neuropsychology, knowledge representation, decision making, visualisation, language and problem-solving. In a laboratory part, an experimental study illustrating cognitive-psychological phenomena is carried out (corresponding to 1.5 credit points) with the aim of providing an applied introduction to scientific problem formulation, methods and writing reports.

Sub-course 3: Perception

The sub-course is divided into two parts, a subject-theoretical part (6 credit points) and a laboratory session (1.5 credit points). The sub-course contains central theories, methods and research findings within perception psychology. The neurological basis of perception and perceptual development is also covered. The laboratory session consists of the implementation of a smaller experimental study of some issue related to the perceptional psychological research field. The laboratory session includes planning, data collection and analysing results, as well as presenting the study both verbally and in writing

Sub-course 4: Social psychology

The course is divided into two parts, the one treats socio-psychological theory and research (6 HE credits) and the other consist of a laboratory session in conversation and communication (1.5 HE credits).


The teaching consists of lessons, seminars and supervision in connection with laboratory sessions.


Examination is conducted using written individual examinations and by way of written and oral reports in connection with group exercises and laboratory sessions. For examination the grading system used is "failed","passed" and "passed with distinction". The contents of lectures can constitute a basis for examination even when the lectures are not compulsory.

Other directives

Attendance at laboratory sessions and group exercises is compulsory. In addition, attendance is compulsory during research presentations under the heading "research introduction". Possible claims for further compulsory attendance are evident from timetable or other information before module.

