Human-Computer Interaction: Embodied Interaction

15 credits

Syllabus, Master's level, 2IV126

A revised version of the syllabus is available.
Education cycle
Second cycle
Main field(s) of study and in-depth level
Human-Computer Interaction A1F
Grading system
Fail (U), Pass (G), Pass with distinction (VG)
Finalised by
The Department Board, 30 January 2014
Responsible department
Department of Informatics and Media

General provisions

Course given as part of the Master's Programme in Human-Computer Interaction and as a freestanding course. The course is taught in English.

Entry requirements

A Bachelor's degree equivalent to a Swedish degree of at least 180 credits (i.e. three years of full-time studies) and 7.5 credits in human-computer interaction. All applicants need to verify English language proficiency.

Learning outcomes

The course focus on design theories and design processes for interaction design when the technology ceases to be screen-based and instead becomes built into artefacts, clothes and environments. Based on theories of ’embodied interaction’, the students learn to analyse existing interaction solutions as well as create their own. The course also gives an introduction to theories for body awareness and motion as well as architecture, and applies these to interaction design.

At the end of the course, the students are expected to be able to:

Understand and explain the theory of embodied interaction.

Show an understanding of theories for body awareness and motion, as well as basic concepts in architecture.

Apply qualitative methods for observation and analysis of social and spatial uses of interactive technology, and apply theories and concepts presented in the course to discuss and explain the observations.

Employ a phenomenological approach to the design of interactive artefacts and environments.

Show proficiency in oral and written presentation.

Show proficiency in giving and receiving design critique.


The theoretical content of the course origins in Merleau-Ponty’s theories about the phenomenology of perception and Dourish’s concept of embodied interaction as a research approach and design practice. Based on these theories, the course proceeds to focus on two strands: one bodily oriented with the goal of developing a designerly understanding of wearable technology, and one spatially oriented with the purpose of developing a designerly understanding of interactive architecture. The course includes introductions to theories of body awareness and body motion (such as physiology and somaesthetics) and architecture. The course includes at least one and possibly several design projects, with the purpose of developing the students’ ability to apply the course knowledge in creative work, their proficiency in working in groups, and their ability to give and receive design critique.

The course deepens the students’ knowledge and abilities in several areas

Phenomenological perspectives on interaction design

Design processes for interactive artefacts

The interplay between social environment and IT artefacts

Introduction to theories of bodily motion, body awareness and architecture

Qualitative methods in observation and evaluation

The course prepares the students for work with interaction design with new IT materials, and prepares them for scientific research in the area. The course may include study visits to research groups and companies where embodied interaction is in focus.


The theoretical content of the course origins in Merleau-Ponty’s theories about the phenomenology of perception and Dourish’s concept of embodied interaction as a research approach and design practice. Based on these theories, the course proceeds to focus on two strands: one bodily oriented with the goal of developing a designerly understanding of wearable technology, and one spatially oriented with the purpose of developing a designerly understanding of interactive architecture. The course includes introductions to theories of body awareness and body motion (such as physiology and somaesthetics) and architecture. The course includes at least one and possibly several design projects, with the purpose of developing the students’ ability to apply the course knowledge in creative work, their proficiency in working in groups, and their ability to give and receive design critique.

The course deepens the students’ knowledge and abilities in several areas

Phenomenological perspectives on interaction design

Design processes for interactive artefacts

The interplay between social environment and IT artefacts

Introduction to theories of bodily motion, body awareness and architecture

Qualitative methods in observation and evaluation

The course prepares the students for work with interaction design with new IT materials, and prepares them for scientific research in the area. The course may include study visits to research groups and companies where embodied interaction is in focus.


Active participation in seminars, workshops and project work, quality in assignments, project work, and peer review.

