Surgical and Medical Care

15 credits

Syllabus, Bachelor's level, 3DR340

A revised version of the syllabus is available.
Education cycle
First cycle
Main field(s) of study and in-depth level
Medical Science G1F
Grading system
Fail (U), Pass (G)
Finalised by
The Board of the Nursing Programmes, 29 October 2014
Responsible department
Department of Surgical Sciences

General provisions

The course is given in term 3 on the X-ray Nursing Programme

Entry requirements

For admission to the course applies the following: Passed courses from term 1 and 15 credits passed courses in term 2.

Learning outcomes

Aims of the course: On completion of the course, the student should be able to account for

1. Pre- and postoperative care from the patient's perspective

2. Diagnostics and treatment at commonly occurring surgical diseases in adults

3. Significance of commonly occurring anaesthesia methods

4. Emergency treatment at trauma

5. Medical treatment at surgical and sudden diseases as well as drug dosage

6. Principles of compensation at blood loss and body fluids/electrolytes in emergency and surgical care.

7. Technique and controls of intravenous injection and infusion treatment, complications that can arise and how these can be prevented as well as the basic principles of maintenance of central vein catheter, Piccline catheter and subcutaneous venous port.

8. Laws and regulations in health care with relevance for the aim of the course

In the placement located to wards with surgical or medical specialization the student should

1. Respond to patients in a professional way and reflect on ethical and cultural aspects as well as the importance of the nursing environment

2. Identify the patient's nursing need in connection with diagnostic studies and treatments and give information considering the patient's need of participation in the care.

3. Reflect on the patient´s experience of the care based on the patient's own perspective

4. Apply methods for supervision and controls at diagnostic studies and different diseases

5. In limited extent handle drugs as well as observe and register effects/adverse in drug reactions

6. Carry out technical components in nursing such as giving injection and infusion, taking a blood test, deposit of peripheral vein catheter, participation in deposit of catheters and tubes, handling of drainage.

7. Apply hospital hygienic principles

8. Apply statutes and safety routines


- Pre- and postoperative care

- Surgical diseases, diagnostics and treatment related to general surgery, orthopaedics, urology, vascular surgery, thoracic surgery

- Neurosurgery and neurosurgical care- acute treatment at trauma- anaesthetics- pharmacology and drug dosage

- Body fluid balance/treatment

- Medical technology: Intravenous injection, intravenous infusion, central vein catheter, Piccline- catheter and subcutaneous venous port.

- Approach and communication

- Information giving

- The patient´s perspective of the care- the nursing chain

- Reflection over ethical and cultural aspects in the nursing

- The bases of maintenance of central vein catheter, Piccline catheter, tube and subcutaneous venous port

- Pulse, blood pressure, respiratory frequency, oxygen saturation, pain estimation and fluid balance

- Participate at rounds, examinations and treatments

- Observation of symptoms and treatment effects

- Drug processing, drug dosage, observations of effects and adverse drug reactions

- Application of statutes, hygienic principles and safety procedures


The student should seek and apply knowledge based on science and evidence


Lectures, studies in tutorial groups, assignments individually or in groups, seminars and web-based teaching and practical exercises. Placement with organised supervision, clinical/practical proficiency training, individual study assignments and seminars.

COMPULSORY PARTS Introduction to course, placement, assignments individually or in groups with written submission/minor essay, seminars.


Passed individual examination. Active participation in the placement. Passed study assignments and seminars as well as passed clinical/practical skills located during the placement.

A student who fails an examination is entitled to 4 re-examinations.(= in total 5 examinations). Every time the student participates in an examination is counted. Submission of a so-called blank examination counts as an examination.

Other directives

Student who does not pass in placement/placement has a right to undergo renewed placement/placement once (6 chapters. section 21 Higher Education Ordinance (1993:100)).

Interrupted clinical placement " A student may fail and interrupt the placement in advance if there is a noticeable risk that the student due to rough unskilfulness may injure another individual or valuable property if he or she continues participating in the placement.

An individual plan shall be decided for the student, and to be informed in writing. This plan, decided by the programme committee, must state the knowledge and skill shortages at hand, the support the student may receive from the department and also state how and when the assessment will take place. A student is entitled to a maximum of two assessment occasions, however no more than once a year.

The student may not participate in the clinical placement again, until the programme committee has checked and accepted the required knowledge and skills of the student. Decision of the individual study plan can be delegated by the programme committee to the student welfare committee or the equivalent with student representation.

