Advanced Nursing in Emergency Care

22.5 credits

Syllabus, Master's level, 3KR168

Education cycle
Second cycle
Main field(s) of study and in-depth level
Caring Sciences A1N
Grading system
Fail (U), Pass (G)
Finalised by
The Board of the Nursing Programmes, 11 February 2015
Responsible department
Department of Surgical Sciences

General provisions

The course is included in The Specialist Nursing Programme with focus on emergency care, 60 credits.

Entry requirements

Swedish professional status qualification as nurse or the equivalent with Bachelor's degree in the main subject caring science/nursing.

Learning outcomes

  • Demonstrate knowledge of the disciplinary foundation within nursing, medical care concerning emergency care patients.
  • Demonstrate knowledge and understanding in current research and development to assess and handle complex issues and situations within nursing for the emergency care patient including social and ethical aspects with special consideration of the human rights.
  • Demonstrate knowledge of the importance of the relationship between science and best practice to achieve person-oriented, evidence-based and safe care with theoretical basis.
  • With person-oriented attitude show ability to independently lead and in collaboration in team, identify care needs, establish a nursing care plan and evaluate nursing actions for the emergency care patient including terminal care.
  • Show self-knowledge and ability to a professional attitude vis-à-vis the patient by distinguishing the own needs from the patient's and reflect on the own need of additional knowledge and development of skills.
  • With overall view on man show ability to make intervention assessments from relevant scientific, social and ethical aspects with special consideration of the human rights with a focus on a developed health care educational ability coordinate the care and health care including self-care.


Lectures Literature studies Seminar Proficiency training

COMPULSORY ELEMENTS Introduction to course, scheduled group meetings, seminars, proficiency training, study assignments with written and oral presentation

The program is a part-time distance education. It is required that you have basic computer knowledge and access to computer with connection to the Internet. The number of physical meetings that occur on the course location is in the theoretical parts of the education limited to approximately 6-8 compulsory meetings per 7.5 credits. Between the study days, you work with written assignments, web-discussions, preparations before seminars and to read literature. Certain examinations are arranged web-based via the learning platform at the university- "Studentportalen".


Examination of the objectives of the course is arranged continuously throughout the course in the form of oral and written assignments - examinations individually and in groups

Other directives

Student who has failed examination may retake the examination four times (= in total five examinations). After five failed examinations, the student may lose his/her guaranteed place in the education. The undergraduate education committee however can, if special circumstances apply, admit right to additional examination. Each occasion the student participates in an examination is regarded as one examination attempt. Submission of so called "blank" exam is counted as examination. According to chapter 6, section 22 of the Higher Education Ordinance (1993:100) have the student right on request to change examiner after two failed examinations.

