Ill Health and Prevention of Ill Health II

30 credits

Syllabus, Bachelor's level, 3SJ450

Education cycle
First cycle
Main field(s) of study and in-depth level
Caring Sciences G1F, Medical Science G1F
Grading system
Fail (U), Pass (G)
Finalised by
The Board of the Nursing Programmes, 14 January 2015
Responsible department
Department of Public Health and Caring Sciences

General provisions

The course is given in semester 4 in the Nursing Programme and consists of theoretical studies, clinical/practical proficiency training and placement in the form of field studies.

Learning outcomes

On completion of the course, the student will be able to:

- analyse man's development and health from a life-cycle perspective

- apply and evaluate information and communication technique

- apply drug administration and assess effect mechanisms and adverse drug reactions

- demonstrate self knowledge and empathic ability

- distinguish different illnesses and diseases, explain pathophysiology and evaluate choice of diagnostics and treatment

- evaluate his or her need of additional knowledge and show strategies for continuous development of his or her skills

- evaluate theories, models and concepts, and apply methods and control documents in relation to nursing, organisation, leadership, development and teaching and also scientific methodology

- independently plan and apply situation adapted actions to prevent spread of diseases and health care related infections, together with patient and next of kin plan, perform and evaluate basic and specific nursing actions

- plan, distribute and delegate work assignments and collaborate with different professions



- ethical, cultural, gender- and equality aspects in nursing

- theories, models and concepts related to caring sciences with specialisation in nursing

- scientific methodology 4 and improvement knowledge

- evidence based nursing, including aspects of quality and safety in health care

- information and communication technique

- the organisation, laws, ordinances and control documents of Swedish health care

- the responsibility of Swedish health care when there is violence in close relationships, with focus on persons with mental illness

- basic and specific nursing in illness, including health promoting actions

- the nursing process, documentation and care planning models

- clinical status 3

- drug administration 3

- medical technology 4

- leadership within the work team

- team collaboration

- professional supervision in nursing


- clinical chemistry/physiology

- microbiology and immunology

- nutrition 4

- pathophysiology, diagnostics and treatment of illness and diseases in somatic and psyciatric care of children and adults

- pain

- pharmacology



Lectures, literature studies, work in tutorial groups, role plays, individual work, seminars and web-based teaching. Clinical proficiency training and placement.


Introduction to the course, compulsory lectures, timetabled group meetings, seminars, clinical proficiency training, placement, study assignments with written presentation and examination.


Examination takes place continuously during the course in the form of written and oral assignments individually and in groups and examination of clinical skills. The assignments are examined during current course based on the guidelines (date and time), that are stated by the course coordinator/examiner. In examination of placement the assessment instrument AssCe will be used. All parts of the course and the written individual final examination must be approved in order for the course in its entirety to be regarded as passed.

Other directives

Student failing examination the first time is allowed 4 re-examinations.(= in total 5 examinations). After 5 failed examinations, the student can lose his or her spot in the programme. If special circumstances apply, the programme committee can admit additional examination attempts.

Each occasion the student participates in an examination is regarded as one examination attempt. Submission of a so called blank exam is regarded as one examination.

According to the decision of the Faculty of Medicine (Dnr 3579/98, 3651/98I), the student should hand in a written application to the course coordinator/director of studies to be allowed to participate in an examination a fourth time. Course coordinator/director of studies and student should then together analyse the situation and when necessary offer support actions in order to optimise the student's preparations before examination.

Students who have failed to accomplish the placement with a pass have the right to undergo renewed placement once (DNR 3579/98, 3651/98l). Time for renewed placement is determined case-by-case, based on when teacher and supervisor in placement are available, preferably during the semester. Placement is carried out in cooperation with health care providers, leave of absence can not be granted during this period.

