Physiotherapy I: Health, Behaviour and Research Methodology I

12 credits

Syllabus, Bachelor's level, 3PT013

A revised version of the syllabus is available.
Education cycle
First cycle
Main field(s) of study and in-depth level
Physiotherapy G1N
Grading system
Fail (U), Pass (G)
Finalised by
The Board of the Physiotherapy Programme, 31 March 2015
Responsible department
Department of Women's and Children's Health

Entry requirements

Admitted to the Physiotherapy programme.

Learning outcomes

On completion of the course, the student is expected to (be able to)

1. Describe and explain physiotherapy as a profession, as a scientific discipline, and the relations between the two.

2. Analyse theories, concepts and empirical evidence within the fields of health, ethics and learning with consideration of diversity and equality.

3. Account for the fundamental features of the legislation that regulates health care and social services.

4. Analyse health behaviours based on theories that constitute the basis for the scientific discipline of behavioural medicine.

5. Account for concepts within theory of knowledge and scientific methodology.

6. Apply methods for conversations and interviews.

7. Observe and describe human movements.

8. Reflect on one's own values and attitudes regarding health ethics and learning, and identify needs of additional knowledge.


Theories of profession, health, ethics and learning The Health and Medical Services Act and the Social Services Act. Training in conversation - and interview methods Theory of knowledge, as well as designs, processes and central concepts within research Critical review of scientific articles Motor development from a life-long perspective Training to observe and describe movements Introduction in behavioural change and behavioural medicine Training to identify, self-monitor and analyse one's own health behaviour Cardiopulmonary resuscitation


The course is given in the form of lectures, practical exercises, seminars, field studies and group assignments.

The contents of lectures can constitute basis for examination also in those cases in which attendance is not compulsory.


Passing the course requires: Passed written reports (examine aim 1, 2, 4, 6, 8) Passed written examinations (examine aim 3, 5) Active participation in seminars (examine aim 1, 2, 4, 5, 7)

Students who have failed the examination have the right to undergo renewed examination further 4 times (=totalt 5 the examination occasions). However, only one re-examination occasion is organised each semester. If special circumstances apply, the programme committee can admit additional examination. Each time the student participates in an examination is counted as one examination attempt. Submission of a so-called blank exam is counted as an examination attempt. The student has right to request a change of examiner after two failed examinations

