Preparation for Research with Focus on New Drug Targets

15 credits

Syllabus, Master's level, 3NR382

A revised version of the syllabus is available.
Education cycle
Second cycle
Main field(s) of study and in-depth level
Biomedicine A1N, Medical Science A1N
Grading system
Fail (U), Pass (G), Pass with distinction (VG)
Finalised by
The Master Programmes Board of the Faculty of Medicine, 21 September 2015
Responsible department
Department of Surgical Sciences

Entry requirements

180 credits from biomedicine, -pharmacy, -biology programme or international education that gives knowledge within cell and molecular biology, chemistry and biochemistry, pharmacology, physiology and neurobiology. Knowledge in English equivalent English B

Learning outcomes

The course aim to prepare the student for postgraduate studies and work within biotechnology or pharmaceutical industry to perform advanced research within different fields of biomedicine. A special focus will be on how new drug targets are identified and evaluated. The course also contains preparation for applying for work and carrying out an interview as well as training in presenting results orally and in writing.

On completion of the course, the student should be able to:


- describe the most important groups of proteins that are used as target molecules for drug development.

- explain the principles of how new potential target molecules are identified and evaluated.

- explain and illustrate application of human and mouse genetics in drug development.

- understand the principles of behavioural studies on animals within drug development.

- understand the principles of how a human ethical application is written.

- describe the major pharmaceutical targets for common diseases such as obesity, drug addiction and depression.

- account for prioritised research areas within the pharmaceutical industry and have acquired an understanding of research domains within the pharmaceutical industry and the research in drug development.

- understand the basic principles of preparation before interview with a potential employer, understand the criteria for recruitment to PhD studies and the importance of an academic portfolio.


- apply biostatistical tools for analysis of human phenotype and genotype data.

- use bioinformatic tools to identify and analyse specific proteins/genes regarding their suitability as pharmaceutical targets.

- retrieve relevant information from important databases for evaluation of the target molecules of drugs.

- demonstrate knowledge of methods used to quantify target molecules expressions in cells and tissue at RNA and protein level.

- demonstrate advanced knowledge of methods used to analyse gene variants in relation to phenotype.

- demonstrate knowledge of alternative model organisms within experimental biomedicine.

- demonstrate knowledge about how a human ethical application is written.

- demonstrate knowledge of how a research plan is written and can be presented.

- compile and interpret results in both written and oral form.


- to critically analyse, interpret and draw conclusions from experimental data and be able to present results both orally and in writing.

- reflect on and discuss ethical aspects of research on humans.


The course consists of a number of combined theoretical and practical parts that treat target proteins, target systems, methods and applications within biomedicine. Prioritised fields such as obesity, addiction and depression will be studied and future potential pharmaceutical targets within these systems will be discussed. The course gives an overview of the most common methods used to evaluate pharmaceutical targets and specifically how to interpret data acquired via these methods. Drug development and advanced biomedical research will be put in context through presentations of active researchers that describe their own research domains. This will give the students understanding of current research findings relevant to drug development.

Through a comprehensive assignment, the student will be given opportunity to develop ideas concerning how research projects can be run and develop their ability to understand the interplay between theoretical and practical knowledge. The advanced assignment includes critical review of scientific literature. The work is presented orally at a seminar. Case studies will be used to stimulate independent problem solving. Laboratory sessions will give the student practical experience of technologies relevant to drug development.


The course includes lectures, case seminars, advanced study assignments, demonstrations and laboratory sessions. Special emphasis is put on stimulating the students to solve problems with considerable amount of independent work.

Compulsory parts: Course introduction and certain lectures. All modules regarding laboratory sessions, cases, demonstrations and advanced study projects including group meetings, surveys and presentations of group projects.


Criteria for passing the course:

i) the student must actively participate in and present all the compulsory parts (laboratory sessions, case studies, seminars and group work presentations)

ii) approved written laboratory reports

iii) approved written take-home exam

iv) approved advanced assignment

v) passed final written exam

Supplementary tasks or alternative examination of compulsory task will only be offered to student who due to extraordinary circumstances i.e. accident, sudden illness or comparable events cannot participate in compulsory modules as scheduled. The written final exam will cover all course material. Special attention is given to laboratory sessions and seminars with accompanying theory.

Students who have not passed the final exam have the right to attend four additional examinations (i.e. 5 examinations in total). If special circumstances apply, the Programme Committee can allow one additional examination. Submission of a so called blank exam counts as an examination.

