Clinical Assessment and Nursing Older People

7.5 credits

Syllabus, Master's level, 3FV344

A revised version of the syllabus is available.
Education cycle
Second cycle
Main field(s) of study and in-depth level
Caring Sciences A1N, Medical Science A1N
Grading system
Fail (U), Pass (G), Pass with distinction (VG)
Finalised by
The Board of the Nursing Programmes, 2 December 2015
Responsible department
Department of Public Health and Caring Sciences

General provisions

The course is included in The Specialist Nursing Programme specialisation Care of Older People, 60 credits.

Learning outcomes

On completion of the course, the student should be able to:

  • systematically evaluate and assess the older patient's symptom, physical and mental health status and take relevant measures based on the clinical assessment
  • use and evaluate the results of clinical judgement methods as interview observation, physical and mental studies and assessment instruments
  • independently assess nursing care plan, plan and evaluate health promotion interventions to support healthy ageing
  • initiate, carry out and evaluate assessment and treatments in nursing
  • safe set that palliative care is given according to the palliative nursing philosophy specifically adjusted to the Elder the individual's living environment
  • identify and formulate a plan for a clinical fields of development within care of older


  • clinical assessment of older individuals'health states in different living environments, including life's final stage from a health promotion in a nursing perspective
  • sex-, age- and the influence of class on the health situation
  • clinical assessment methods and dialogue with older people about he health state
  • complex assessments within a limited time frame
  • evidence-based nursing interventions
  • communication of assessments and measures with patient care team
  • specialisation and clinical application of theoretical knowledge within care of older


Lectures, seminars and clinical proficiency training. In the course, placement studies (equivalent to 3 credits) are included.


The expected learning outcomes are examined individually and in groups through seminars and written assignment

Other directives

Student failing examination the first time is allowed 4 re-examinations.(= in total 5 examinations). After 5 failed examinations, the student can lose his or her spot in the programme. If special circumstances apply, the programme committee can allow additional examinations.

Each occasion that the student participates in examination is counted as an examination attempt. Submission of so called blank exam is regarded as one examination.

According to the decision by the Faculty of Medicine (Dnr 3579/98, 3651/98I) the student should hand in a written application to the course director/dean to be allowed to participate in examination a fourth time. Course director/director of studies should analyse the situation thereafter together with the student and when necessary offer support actions in order to optimise the student's preparations before examination.

Student who not has become passed under placement has the right to undergo renewed placement once (Dnr 3579/98, 3651/98I). The date is decided in each individual case, based on when teacher and supervisor within clinical activities are available mainly within semester. Placement is given in collaboration with clinical activities, leave can not be granted at this time.

