Software Engineering Fundamentals

7.5 credits

Syllabus, Bachelor's level, 2IS218

Education cycle
First cycle
Main field(s) of study and in-depth level
Software Engineering G1N
Grading system
Fail (U), Pass (G), Pass with distinction (VG)
Finalised by
The Department Board, 3 March 2016
Responsible department
Department of Informatics and Media

General provisions

The course is included in the following degree programme:

  • Bachelor's Programme in Information Systems, specialisation software engineering 180 credits.

Be given also as a freestanding course

Entry requirements

General entry requirements and English 6, Mathematics 3b/3c, Social Studies 1b/1a1+1a2 or English B, Mathematics C, Civics A

Learning outcomes

Regarding knowledge and understanding the student is expected to be able to on completion of the course:

  • Explain the architecture and function of computer systems
  • Account for digital representation of text, image, sounds and documents
  • Be able to account for various types of software and explain their role in computers

Regarding competence and skills the student is expected to be able to on completion of the course

  • Carry out common arithmetic and logical operations on binary, octal and hexadecimal numbers
  • Systematically apply problem solving methodology
  • Develop structured problem descriptions and model algorithms

Regarding judgement and approach the student is expected to be able to on completion of the course:

  • Relate conceptual models of algorithms to their implementations


The course gives an introduction to central concepts in the area of software engineering:

  • Hardware components in a computer system
  • Different forms of software including compilers
  • Binary, octal and hexadecimal numbers
  • Algorithms and representations of algorithms
  • Data types and operators
  • Standards for representation of text, image, sounds and documents

Component 1: Machine and software, 2.5 credits The component generally deals with how computers function as a system of interacting components, as well as give insight in the function of the micro processor. Various types of software are discussed. Further, the concepts of high level programming language, compilation and machine code to illustrate how software, software development and execution of machine code in the micro processor are linked.

Part 2: Data representation, 2.5 credits This component focuses on how text, image, sounds and documents are represented in the memory of the computer. The starting point for the component is training in the binary number system including basic arithmetic and logical operations on binary numbers. Also hexadecimal and octal numbers are used to give the students a more general understanding of positioning systems. Further, the concept data type as well as different data types and related operators are included.

Part 3: Algorithms and problem-solving, 2.5 credits Based on micro processor's working method (component 1) and representation of data (component 2) students work with different methods to interpret and model algorithms. In this part, a reflection between conceptual representations of algorithms are included and related to implementations in high level language. The work with algorithms is dealt with as part of a general problem solving methodology where a structured problem is formulated from natural language problems and later modelled into an algorithm that solves the problem.


The teaching is given as lectures and teaching sessions.


The course is examined through individual written assignments and written exam.

Other directives

The course is given on Campus Gotland and as a distance course

