Pharmaceutical Bioinformatics with Sequence Analysis

7.5 credits

Syllabus, Master's level, 3FF576

A revised version of the syllabus is available.
Education cycle
Second cycle
Main field(s) of study and in-depth level
Drug Discovery and Development A1N, Pharmaceutical Biosciences A1N, Pharmaceutical Chemistry A1N, Pharmacy A1N
Grading system
Fail (U), Pass (G), Pass with distinction (VG)
Finalised by
The Educational Board of Pharmacy, 3 March 2016
Responsible department
Department of Pharmaceutical Biosciences

General provisions

The course can not be combined with Pharmaceutical bioinformatics 3FF575 or 8FF575, due to overlap in course contents.

The course is given in English.

Entry requirements

Admitted to Master Program in Pharmaceutical Modelling and completed previous courses.

Within the Master of Science in Pharmacy Programme, it is required that the student has at least 150 credits and completed semester 1-7.

Within the civil engineering programs chemical engineering, molecular biotechnology, and bioinformatics required are at least 120 credits, of which 30 within bioscience.

For non-programme students a Bachelor of Pharmaceutical Science/ Science in Pharmacy, or equal degree is required (180 credits). Knowledge in English equivalent to that required for basic eligibility to Swedish higher education.

Learning outcomes

After having completed the course, the students should be able to:

  • describe bioinformatics tools and methods and how they can be used within pharmaceutical research
  • use bio- and cheminformatics programs for e.g. sequence analysis, functional predictions, 3D-visualisation, and structure-activity relationship based methods
  • locate relevant information in biological and chemical databases
  • train, validate and use predictive models based on biochemical data
  • create an experimental design for applications in pharmaceutical bioinformatics
  • describe and carry out basic sequence analysis tasks
  • calculate numerical representations of chemical structures, and correlate these to target protein interactionsinterpret and validate results of above-mentioned methods.


The course contains theory and methods for bioinformatics analysis and the basics of how bioinformatics can be used within the pharmacutical area. The course presents introduction and historical account of pharmaceutical bioinformatics, representation of biological and chemical data in computers, biological and chemical databases, theory and methods for analysis of experimental data, sequence analysis, predictive modelling, mode! validation, design of experiments, structure-activity relationships, and applications in pharmaceutical bioinformatics.


Teaching is in the form of lecture and computer exercises. A web-based education platform is used for some parts of the teaching. Compulsory parts: Course introduction, computer exercises and assignments. The course may be given in English.


Passed course demands a passed written individual examination and passed compulsory parts. Each student has the opportunity for a total of six examinations, i.e. one examination and five re-examinations. Completion of compulsory parts of the course may be done earliest at next course instance, if space permits.

