Advanced Pharmacotherapy

7.5 credits

Syllabus, Master's level, 3FB203

A revised version of the syllabus is available.
Education cycle
Second cycle
Main field(s) of study and in-depth level
Drug Management A1N, Pharmaceutical Sciences A1N
Grading system
Fail (U), Pass (G), Pass with distinction (VG)
Finalised by
The Educational Board of Pharmacy, 26 May 2016
Responsible department
Department of Pharmacy

General provisions

This course replace and corresponds to 3FB070 or 3FB410, Advanced pharmacotherapy.

This course corresponds to the Internet-based course Advanced pharmacotherapy, 3FB411 or 3FB222.

Entry requirements

For students on the Bachelor of Science Programme in Pharmacy applies that 120 credits should be approved through all earlier courses on the programme. The student should also have passed results of basic courses within the following subjects: physiology, pharmacology, pharmacokinetics and pharmacotherapy.

For students on the Master of Science Programme in Pharmacy applies that 150 credits should be approved and followed earlier courses within the programme. The student should also have passed results of basic courses within the following subjects: physiology, pharmacology, pharmacokinetics (7.5 credits) and pharmacotherapy.

For students on the Master Programme in Drug Management applies that the student should be admitted to the programme and also have passed results of basic courses within pharmacokinetics (7.5 credits) and pharmacotherapy.

Qualified to single subject course is the one that has 150 credits, passed courses about lowest 40 credit points/60 credits within Pharmaceutical bioscience, Pharmaceutical science and/or Pharmacy, of which at least 7.5 credits pharmacokinetics B and 7.5 credits pharmacotherapy B and basic course in physiology and pharmacology or the equivalent knowledge. Equivalent knowledge is tested individually. Knowledge in Swedish and English equivalent to what is required for basic eligibility to Swedish higher education on basic level.

Learning outcomes

The student should on completion of the course independently be able to assess and evaluate a complex pharmacotherapy from the patient's individual prerequisites and the specific properties of the drugs.

After examination, the student should be able to:

- identify selected diseases based on knowledge of pathology and motivate with given symptoms and laboratory values

- state investigations that are of value for the diagnosis and monitoring of drug therapy in selected disease areas

- choose and justify appropriate drug and treatment duration to a given patient with regard to current recommendations and patient-related factors such as other diseases, age, organ functions and other drug treatment

- choose and justify appropriate dose, dosing interval and pharmaceutical form for a given patient with regard to age, organ functions and drug pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics and toxicity

- evaluate abnormalities in common laboratory values and explain related to physiology, drug treatment and / or disease

- extract information from medical records

- identify, evaluate and respond to basic drug-related problems from patient records and to motivate action

- choose appropriate non-pharmacological treatment with regard to the given patient and current recommendations


The course focuses on pharmacotherapy in patient care. The students work with, design and discuss lifelike patient cases where medical history, symptoms and laboratory values are stated. They also work with drug-related problems through review of medical records and role play around fictitious patients. The course also includes a group assignment to deepen their knowledge of laboratory values.

During the course, the student also train:

- the ability to communicate with patients

- the ability to search, sort, critically review and pass on drug-related information

- oral presentation, in groups

- decision making

- independent thinking

- work in groups


Teaching is given in the form of lectures, group discussions, seminars, workshop, a group assignment and individual studies of literature. Problem-based learning is included as working method.

Compulsory parts of the course:

Course introduction, group meetings, seminars, group assignment, workshop on drug related problems and exam follow-up.


Examination takes place at the end of the course. For a passing grade the student must pass the examination (examination code) and all portions of the course that are obligatory (examination code). Obligatory portions of the course may be completed or re-taken when the same course is offered again if, and only if, the course is not full. Students who have failed the first examination are allowed five re-examinations.

