
7.5 credits

Syllabus, Master's level, 5HA731

A revised version of the syllabus is available.
Education cycle
Second cycle
Main field(s) of study and in-depth level
History A1N
Grading system
Fail (U), Pass (G)
Finalised by
The Department Board, 10 November 2016
Responsible department
Department of History

General provisions

The course is a programme course within the Master's Programme in Humanities in History and Master Programme Early Modern Studies. The Department of History does not provide students with internships and the students are expected to find the internships by themselves. The internship must be accepted by the Department.

Entry requirements

Admitted to the Master Programme in Humanities in History or Master Programme Early Modern Studies.

Learning outcomes

The aim of the course is to provide students with possibilities to practice and develop skills acquired from studies at the Master's level in a relevant professional working life environment.

A student who successfully completed the course will be able to:

  • account for the working place’s goals, organisation and work tasks and societal context
  • practice relevant work methods and routines to a suitable extent
  • in a constructive way respond to supervision and cooperation with superiors and other staff in a working life environment and in that way show the ability to work independently in a qualified professional work environment
  • reflect on the experiences gained at the working place in relation to the role of history in society and the responsibilities people have using history
  • show insight into the limits and possibilities of the historical discipline in relation to the demands and values prevailing at the working place
  • based on the exeriences from the work place give examples of further skills and areas of knowledge necessary in historical studies


The course is conducted as an on-the-job training at a working place relevant for the educational goals of the program. Suitable working places are archives, museums, voluntary organisations, editorial boards, publishers, TV, radio, etc. The internship should offer varied tasks at different levels.


Regular and scheduled meetings with an assigned supervisor at the intern’s working place. Attendance is obligatory during the working hours at the working place.


After the internship the student must turn in a written report and assessment of the internship to the course examiner. The student’s supervisor at the working place is consulted and based on this and the quality of the written report the grade is based. Grades will be given in accordance with the Swedish grading system. The following grades will be used: Pass (G), and Fail (U).

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