Specialisation in Wind Power Project Management

15 credits

Syllabus, Master's level, 1GV158

A revised version of the syllabus is available.
Education cycle
Second cycle
Main field(s) of study and in-depth level
Wind Power Project Management A1F
Grading system
Fail (U), Pass (3), Pass with credit (4), Pass with distinction (5)
Finalised by
The Faculty Board of Science and Technology, 8 March 2018
Responsible department
Department of Earth Sciences

Entry requirements

Wind Power Development and Management, 15 credits, Planning for Wind Energy, 5 credits, Wind Resource Assessment, 10 credits, Wind Power Grid Integration, 5 credits, Wind Turbine Technology, 5 credits, Project Course Wind Farm Planning, 5 credits, Scientific Methods in Wind in Power Project Management, 10 credits, Trends in the Wind Industry, 5 credits, Construction, Operation and Maintenance of Wind farms, 10 credits, Wind Project Management and Finance, 5 credits


Learning outcomes

After having passed this course students will be able to:

  • plan a wind power project from concept to decomissioning
  • select relevant contracts for different project stages
  • develop and present a financing as well as a cost plan for a project
  • identify the competencies which are required to put together a project team for wind power projects


The course will allow a student to apply the knowledge they have gained during the programme in all stages of a wind power project. This includes activities from the initial steps in site prospecting all the way to decommissioning and repowering. The student will be given the opportunity to apply their understanding of each stage’s risks and possibilities as well to develop plans to capitalize on or avoid them.


Lectures, seminars and workshop


Written and oral assignments and active participation in seminars and workshop 10 credits.

Project report and presentations 5 credits.

