Research Training in Biomedicine and Laboratory Animal Science

15 credits

Syllabus, Master's level, 3NR731

Education cycle
Second cycle
Main field(s) of study and in-depth level
Biology A1F, Biomedical Laboratory Science A1F, Biomedicine A1F, Infection Biology A1F, Medical Science A1F, Molecular Biotechnology A1F, Molecular Medicine A1F, Pharmaceutical Sciences A1F
Grading system
Fail (U), Pass (G)
Finalised by
The Educational Board of Medicine, 31 October 2019
Responsible department
Department of Medical Cell Biology

General provisions

The course is given as elective course within the Master programmes in Biomedicine, Biology, Molecular Medicine, Infection Biology, Molecular Biotechnology, and Pharmacy.

Entry requirements

Admitted to Master programme at Uppsala University alternative 180 credits within the Pharmacy programme at Uppsala University. A certificate from the course leader, showing that a project supervisor is available and that a project plan that includes animal experiments has been approved, is required for entry to the course.

Learning outcomes

The teaching intends to give basic theoretical knowledge and introduction to practical work in laboratory animal science.

The education gives entry requirements to start work with animals in research under supervision ("carry out procedures on animals" according to SJVFS 2017:40, L150 and Function A,C,D according to directives 2010/63/EU).

On completion of the course, the student is expected to be able to:

Knowledge and understanding of:

  • Laws, regulations and public authorities of significance for existing protection of animals that are used for scientific purposes
  • How an application for ethical approval is established and how a record of animal experimentation is kept
  • Choice of animal species and defining alternative models
  • Animal housing, enrichment, care, diseases and health monitoring of animals used for scientific purposes
  • Basic principles to minimise risks for negative influence on animal welfare and research results
  • Basic principles of analgesia and euthanasia

Competence and skills to:

  • Follow the Swedish legislation requirements regarding protection of animals used for scientific purposes
  • Apply the principles of 3Rs concerning animals used for scientific purposes
  • Describe the biology and physiology of rodents
  • Explain the basic principles to describe a healthy, as well as recognize signs of a deviant behavior in animals
  • Assess risks associated with work with laboratory animals
  • Master handling of rats and mice and simple invasive technologies for administration of substances and sampling
  • Describe methods of euthanasia, differentiate between end points and perform euthanasia.

Judgement and approach to:

  • Identify and analyse ethical problems associated with animal experimentation
  • Critical assessment of scientific publications in laboratory animal science and with an appropriate language present a publication in writing and/or orally.

The student should also be able to

  • carry out a general and relevant literature review in the relevant subject area;
  • define, plan and carry out a practical training project within time and resource limitations;
  • be able to analyse and interpret results and assess relevance for conclusions;
  • using appropriate language, give a presentation, in writing and/or orally, of a practical project


The student participates in regular activities within industry, government agencies or university departments. Under supervision, the student should, under inspection or independently, participate in work that is relevant to his or her studies.

Laws, regulations and public authorities of significance for the use of animals in research, 3R, application about djuretiskt approval, djurvälfärd and diseases, comparative biology, physiology and personal safety in connection with work with animals in research, choice of animal species, alternatives to animals and description of animals and beteendemodeller, ethology and relief of etogram, medical record, practical handling of rat and mouse, administration of substance, sampling, euthanasia and dissection.


Teaching is given through individual supervision at the workplace and through Internet based teaching (virtual learning), laboratory sessions and seminars. Access to a computer, Internet and e-mail is required.


A pass grade requires passed results for all compulsory elements of the course, a pass in the final individual examination, and written and/or oral presentation of the practical project and that the student has shown ability to handle rat and mouse individually and masters simple invasive technologies for administration of substance, sampling as well as euthanasia. The course fulfils the requirements for persons carrying out procedures on mice and rats (function A+C+D) according to Swedish legislation SJVFS 2015:38, L150 and directive 2010/63/EU.

Possibility to supplement failed compulsory course component can be given at the earliest at the next course date and only in case of a vacancy.

If there are special reasons for doing so, an examiner may make an exception from the method of assessment indicated and allow a student to be assessed by another method. An example of special reasons might be a certificate regarding special pedagogical support from the University's disability coordinator.

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