Radiography VI

18 credits

Syllabus, Bachelor's level, 3DR618

A revised version of the syllabus is available.
Education cycle
First cycle
Main field(s) of study and in-depth level
Radiography G2F
Grading system
Fail (U), Pass (G)
Finalised by
The Board of the Nursing Programmes, 20 December 2017
Responsible department
Department of Surgical Sciences

General provisions

The course is given in semester 6 in the Radiology technician programme.

Entry requirements

Passed courses in semester 4 and at least 15 credits passed courses in semester 5.

Learning outcomes

On completion of the course, the student should be able to

* understand and be able to describe

- the methodology at the most commonly occurring the studies in computed tomography, acute care, pediatric examinations and nuclear medicine examinations.

- preparations and aftercare at above-mentioned studies.

- properties, administration method, adverse drug reactions, contraindications and caution at use of contrast media and other drugs that are used at above-mentioned examinations.

* During clinical practice, the student should be able to independently prepare in advance and perform the most commonly radiography examinations in computed tomography, pediatric and acute radiography.

- show patient/family a professional reception on the patient/the family needs

- handle equipment in use and medical technical peripheral equipment

- apply practical radiation protection

- handle and administrate drugs

- in clinical practice in nuclear medicine, the student should participate in the nuclear medicine examinations.


Clinical practice in acute and pediatric radiology examinations, computed tomography as well as nuclear medicine examinations.

Specific care at above mentioned radiography


Drug handling


Radiation protection



Theoretical studies 3 credits

Lectures, seminars and directed study assignments.

Clinical practice 15 credits


Course introduction, compulsory lectures, scheduled group meetings, seminars, clinical proficiency training, clinical practice, written assignments followed by presentation and examination.


Examination takes place continuously during the course in the form of written exam and oral presentations both individually and in groups. The examination includes also active participation and approved achievement at the clinical practice.

Other directives

A student who fails an examination has the right for 4 re-examinations.(= in total 5 examinations). After 5 failed examinations, the student might lose his or her guaranteed place in the programme. If special circumstances apply, the programme committee can admit to additional examinations.

Every time the student participates in an examination is regarded as an examination attempt. Submission of a so called blank exam is regarded as one examination.

According to the decision by the Faculty of Medicine (Dnr 3579/98, 3651/98I) the student should hand in a written application to the course director/dean to be allowed to participate in the exam a fourth time. Course leader/director of studies should therefore analyse the situation together with the student and when necessary offer support in order to optimise the student's preparations before examination.

For courses with clinical practice applies the following: student who has not passed during clinical practice has a right to undergo the clinical practice one more time. (Dnr 3579/98, 3651/981). The date is decided in each individual case, based on when teacher and supervisor are available, mainly during semester.

Clinical practise can be done even during evenings/weekends and clinical practice in other cities is possible.

If special circumstances apply, the examiner can make exceptions from the stated exam method and decide that a student is assessed in a different way. Special reason can for e g be a notice of special educational support from the coordinator of the university.

