Arabic C

30 credits

Syllabus, Bachelor's level, 5AB420

A revised version of the syllabus is available.
Education cycle
First cycle
Main field(s) of study and in-depth level
Semitic Languages G2F
Grading system
Fail (U), Pass (G), Pass with distinction (VG)
Finalised by
The Department Board, 16 March 2018
Responsible department
Department of Linguistics and Philology

General provisions

The course is an independent course. The course can be included in the sub area Arabic in a Bachelor’s degree.

Entry requirements

Arabic A, 30 credits, and Arabic B, 30 credits.

Learning outcomes

The aim of the course is to give skills and knowledge in several registers of the Arabic language with electives such as classical Arabic, media Arabic, modern Arabic dialects and additional specialisation in modern Standard Arabic. In the course, a module in general linguistic methodology is included. In addition area courses on either the history of the MENA-region or Social structures in The Orient may be studied.

The student must take at least two of the language courses (modules 1, 2, 3, 4, 8) and at least one of the realia courses (modules 5, 6, 7) listed below:

With respect to module 1: Modern Arabic texts with grammar and language proficiency

• with aids read and translate different modern Arabic literary, media- and non-fiction texts;

• with aids analyse modern Standard Arabic texts with Swedish and Arabic linguistic terminology;

• with aids produce stylistically simple texts in modern Arabic;

• actively conduct a conversation in modern Standard Arabic with a vocabulary that includes the subjects that have been treated in the texts and social situations in varying areas of formality.

With respect to module 2: See 5AB115 Classical Arabic texts and classical grammar, 7.5 credits

With respect to module 3: 5AB460 Arabic Media Texts, 7.5 credits

With respect to module 4: See 5AB480 Modern Literary Arabic Texts, 7.5 credits

With respect to module 5: See 5AB304 History of the Near East and Arab World, 7.5 credits

With respect to module 6: See 5AA481 Social structures in the Orient, 7.5 credits

With respect to module 7: See 5AA014 Linguistic Theory and Methods for Philological Studies in the Languages of the Middle East, Central, East and South Asia, 7.5 credits

With respect to module 8: See 5AB470 Modern Arabic Poetry, 7,5 credits


The student chooses four of the following modules among those offered the current semester, among which must be included at least two language based courses and one area course. For students planning to take a Bachelor in Semitic languages, the course in linguistic theory and methodology (5AA014) is recommended.

Module 1: 5AB450 Modern Arabic texts with grammar and language proficiency, 7.5 credits

Module 2: 5AB115 Classical Arabic texts and grammar, 7.5 credits

Module 3: 5AB460 Arabic media texts, 7.5 credits

Module 4: 5AB480 Modern Literary Arabic Texts, 7.5 credits

Module 5: 5AB304 History of the Near East and Arab world, 7.5 credits

Module 6: 5AA481 Social structures in the Orient, 7.5 credits

Module 7: 5AA014 Linguistic Theory and Methods for Philological Studies in the Languages of the Middle East, Central, East and South Asia, 7.5 credits

Module 8: 5AB470 Modern Arabic Poetry, 7,5 credits


The teaching consists of lectures, exercises and examination parts. The student’s own learning activities are crucial for completion of the course.


The students show the results of his learning through oral and written parts, of which are included written essays. Regulations concerning this will be available at the beginning of the course. To receive the grade Pass with distinction, Pass with distinction in at least three of the included modules is required.

Other directives

The course may not be included in a degree if equivalent parts have been read within another course included in the degree. The courses that not are read within Arabic C can as supplements be read within Arabic C3.

