
16.5 credits

Syllabus, Bachelor's level, 3MC444

Education cycle
First cycle
Main field(s) of study and in-depth level
Biomedicine G2F, Medical Science G2F
Grading system
Fail (U), Pass (G), Pass with distinction (VG)
Finalised by
The Board of the Biomedicine Programme, 4 June 2018
Responsible department
Department of Medical Cell Biology

General provisions

A part of the Biomedicine Programme

Entry requirements

35 credits finished courses from the first year of the Bachelor program in Biomedicine as well as finished course in Laboratory Animal Science 5 credits (3MU143) and completed courses in Biochemistry 7 credits (3KB030), Anatomy 8 credits (3AN300), Cell- and Molecular Biology 15 credits (3MU123), Tissue biology with embryology 15 credits (3MU122), Neurobiology 10 credits (3MU132), Metabolism credits (3KB033) or the equivalent.

Learning outcomes

The teaching intends to provide basic and integrated knowledge of the morphology of the human body physiological processes, pharmacological modes of action and basic disease theory. The students should further be provided certain insight in clinical examination methodology and get skills in animal experimentation methodology.

The student is expected on completion of the course to be able to account for:

Knowledge and understanding

Be able to account for the biochemical processes in the cell

Be able to account for morphology, histology, physiology, pharmacology and basic pathophysiology for the different organ system of the human body.

Be able to report for how the different organ systems are regulated and interact to maintain the internal balance of the body.

Skill and abilities

Having received basic skills in physiological clinical examination methodology.

Have received basic skills in animal experimentation methodology and carry out invasive encroachment.

Judgement and approach

Independently be able to carry out biomedical experiment and analyse the results and present them in written form.


The course is composed of morphology, physiology, pharmacology and basic disease theory for: the blood/lymphatic organs, the heart/the circulation, the respiration, the kidneys/the fluid balance, the acid/base balance, temperature regulation, the endocrinology, the reproduction. Special emphasis is placed on the understanding of how the different organ systems interact to maintain a constant internal environment. Professional training in written and oral scientific presentation.

A continuous evaluation of the course design is ongoing and may result in some changes in the structure and content of the courses.


The teaching comprises lectures, laboratory sessions with human - and vivisections, computer simulations, mikroscopies, problem-oriented group assignments, professional training, seminars and demonstrations. Project work. The aim of this is to teach the students to work independently and in groups. Each group is given the task of independently gaining deeper knowledge in areas of physiological or pharmacological science or about one of our most common diseases. Beside the teaching methods specified in the syllabus other ways of teaching may be used during the course.


To receive a passed on the course, all compulsory parts and a passed examination are required. Possibility to supplement failed laboratory course can be given at the earliest at next course and only in case of a vacancy.

If there are special reasons for doing so, an examiner may make an exception from the method of assessment indicated and allow a student to be assessed by another method. An example of special reasons might be a certificate regarding special pedagogical support from the University's disability coordinator.

