Microbiology and Immunology

10.5 credits

Syllabus, Bachelor's level, 3FM207

Education cycle
First cycle
Main field(s) of study and in-depth level
Pharmaceutical Sciences G1F
Grading system
Fail (U), Pass (G), Pass with distinction (VG)
Finalised by
The Educational Board of Pharmacy, 16 November 2017
Responsible department
Department of Medical Biochemistry and Microbiology

General provisions

Substituting and corresponding earlier the 3FM664 or 3FM007.

Entry requirements

Within the program, earlier courses should have been reviewed. Qualified to freestanding course are those that have Bachelor of Pharmaceutical Science 120 credits and

Pharmaceutical Molecular Biology with Bioinformatics 7.5 credits or the equivalent knowledge from medical, veterinary science, dental, pharmaceutical, scientific or foreign education.

Learning outcomes

On completion of the course in microbiology, the student should be able to: - describe how bacteria, fungi, protozoa and virus are built-up - have knowledge of the physiology of bacteria and metabolism and bacterial genetics and genetic characteristics of virus - describe how mutations and recombination give origins to microbial variation and its importance for pathogenicity and resistance - account for the infection processes for important pathogenic bacteria and viruses and their virulence factors and how their expression is regulated - account for differences in properties between bacteria that are in biofilm and they that are planktoniska - explain which strategy one using oneself of at drug treatment of infections caused by pathogenic microorganisms and the mode of action for drugs that are used at treatment of infections - carry out diagnostic tests for demonstrating of bacteria and susceptibility testing and be able to carry out a study of different bacteria tolerance against antibiotics - account for the role of bakteriofagers in nature and their infection process and phage therapy - describe how viruses can cause cancer be used as vectors in connection with treatment of hereditary diseases and cancer - account for antiviral treatment and the mode of action at antiviral drugs - account for how viruses block the immune system - have knowledge of parasites and parasite diseases and about fungal infections that hit man On completion of the course in immunology, the student should be able to - account for how the different components of the immune system are formed and function and how they interact with one another to protect the individual against various types of foreign antigen - account for which recognition mechanisms the immune system utilises to identify and different between endogenous and foreign subjects - anticipate which type of the imunsvar that is activated at various types of infections - account for different types of hypersensitivity reactions, autoimmunity and immunosuppression and how these reactions can arise. Be able to predict how a dysfunction in the immune system (caused by different environmental factors or genetic factors) in immunförsvart can lead to these conditions. - describe how vaccination is used for creating immunity and be able to account for how old and new types of vaccines are built-up and vilkafördelar and disadvantages respective type of vaccine have. - be able to describe what blood transfusion respective transplantation implies, which possible risks these treatments mean and how these risks can be minimised.


The course in microbiology intends to provide knowledge of growth of microorganisms the structure and function of the immune system, relations between microorganisms and their hosts, impact of anti-infection drugs and development of new drugs. The course in immunology intends to provide knowledge about how the immune system is structure and the different strategies the immune system can use to protect the individual to protect the individual against various types of microorganisms and other kroppsfrämmande subjects. The course should also provide knowledge how dysfunction in the immune system can lead to disease and how the immune system can be manipulated to prevent and treat diseases with immunological background. Problem-based teaching is included in seminar exercises and is presented in tutor groups both orally and in written form.


Teaching is given as lectures, problem-based group assignments and laboratory sessions in microbiology. Compulsory parts of the course: Active participation in group assignments and presentations, participation in laboratory sessions in microbiology and in announced seminars.


Written examination is arranged at the end of the course. For a Pass grade in the course is required apart from passed test (examination code), passed results of compulsory parts (examination code). Possibility to supplement failed compulsory part can be given when the course is offered again in case of vacancies. Students who have failed the first examination are allowed five re-examinations. Proposals for new examination codes: MIKI 5.3 higher education credits LABB 0.8 higher education credits IMMI 4.5 higher education credits SEMI 0 higher education credits

If there are special reasons for doing so, an examiner may make an exception from the method of assessment indicated and allow a student to be assessed by another method. An example of special reasons might be a certificate regarding special pedagogical support from the University's disability coordinator.

