Degree Project in Radiography

15 credits

Syllabus, Bachelor's level, 3DR041

A revised version of the syllabus is available.
Education cycle
First cycle
Main field(s) of study and in-depth level
Radiography G2E
Grading system
Fail (U), Pass (G)
Finalised by
The Board of the Nursing Programmes, 17 January 2018
Responsible department
Department of Surgical Sciences

General provisions

The course is given in semester 6 in the Radiology technician programme.

Entry requirements

Passed courses in semester 4 as well as 15 credits passed courses in semester 5.

Learning outcomes

On completion of the course, the student should:

Be able to describe the main scientific concepts and issues at a general level

Understand and be able to describe

- the research process

- how one reviews research publications critically

- differences between quantitative and qualitative research designs

- data collection methods that are used in quantitative and qualitative research

- describing statistics and bivariate statistical analyses

- research-ethical problems

- the concept evidence-based radiography

Independently be able to

- write project plan that describes background aim, methodology, ethical aspects and a time plan for implementation of a study at basic level

- carry out a study in accordance with the project plan and write a report based on this

- search scientific articles in relevant databases

- review research publications related to radiography critically

- discuss and defend the method and performance of the study and scientific reporting


The teaching brings up contents with relevance for the research in radiography, with regard to

- the research process

- critical review of research publications

- quantitative and qualitative research designs

- quantitative and qualitative data collection methods

- describing statistics and bivariate statistical analyses

- a general overview of qualitative analyses

- evidence and grading the evidence

- research-ethical problems

- structure and layout of scientific project plans and reports



The degree project is an individual assignment and is carried out in a group of two or independently with support of a supervisor. It should appear what each of the students have contributed in the implementation of the work.

Compulsory parts of the course: Writing project plan and degree project including the implementation of the study, participating at examination of project plan, degree project and critical oral review on degree project.


To pass degree project an approved project plan, passed scientific report and implementation of the work as well as passed opponentship.

Other directives

A complete, unstapled and one-sided copy of the passed degree project should be delivered to the course secretary for archiving. You should also register either your abstract/summary or the whole degree project in the Digital Scientific Archive (DiVA). These two things must be done so that registration of completed course can take place.

