
3 credits

Syllabus, Bachelor's level, 3FB216

A revised version of the syllabus is available.
Education cycle
First cycle
Main field(s) of study and in-depth level
Pharmaceutical Sciences G2F
Grading system
Fail (U), Pass (G), Pass with distinction (VG)
Finalised by
The Educational Board of Pharmacy, 16 November 2017
Responsible department
Department of Pharmacy

General provisions

The course is a direct continuation of the basic course Pharmacokinetics 7.5 credits (3FB605).

Equivalent to 3FB117 or 3FB610.

Entry requirements

Master of Science in Pharmacy Programme: 60 credits is required from semester 1-2 and the student has followed all earlier courses within the programme.

Learning outcomes

After having completed the course, the student should be able to:

• calculate and evaluate pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic data obtained from experiments in various animal species

• evaluate pharmacokinetic data from in vitro studies

• use allometric scaling to predict pharmacokinetic properties of a candidate drug in humans

• evaluate pharmacodynamic data and estimate therapeutic plasma drug concentrations in patients

• evaluate pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic data from a drug industry perspective and make a reasoned choice of candidate drug(s) to bring forward to clinical trial


The course deals with different methods used within preclinical drug research to evaluate the pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic properties of new substances. It also discusses which properties are desirable for new candidate drugs.


Teaching is provided through lectures and an individual assignment involving computer work.

Course introduction, some lectures according to the schedule, a written summary and oral examination are compulsory.


Examination is arranged at the end of the course. In order to pass the course, the student must provide a satisfactory account of completion of the task, both in writing and during oral examination.

If there are special reasons for doing so, an examiner may make an exception from the method of assessment indicated and allow a student to be assessed by another method. An example of special reasons might be a certificate regarding special pedagogical support from the University's disability coordinator.

