Semitic Languages: Degree Project

15 credits

Syllabus, Master's level, 5AA900

Education cycle
Second cycle
Main field(s) of study and in-depth level
Semitic Languages A1E
Grading system
Fail (U), Pass (G), Pass with distinction (VG)
Finalised by
The Department Board, 20 December 2019
Responsible department
Department of Linguistics and Philology

General provisions

The course is an independent course.

Entry requirements

Fulfilment of the requirements for a Bachelor's degree with Semitic Languages as the main field of study, as well as 15 credits at Master's level in Semitic Languages.

Learning outcomes

An individual assignment over a theme within language or literature. To the extent that the work has a direct connection to texts in the main language cultural-historical subjects may also be allowed. The degree project should stand in relation to the knowledge and skills that in other respects have been acquired within the Master's education. It should provide the student with good knowledge about how one searches scientific facts, how one tests scientific hypotheses and about how one plans, carries out and presents a scientific work and both theoretical and philological specialisation within at least one Semitic language. On completion of the course, the student should have achieved considerable familiarity within a thematic or linguistic field, and:

independently be able to carry out a study within Semitic languages or literature; independently be able to formulate relevant research questions and problems and demonstrate ability to theoretical and methodological reflection; be able to collect, arrange and analyse a relevant material; be able to search and critically assess, bibliographically compile and correctly refer to primary and secondary literature; be able to relate to critique and comments in such a way that the quality of the degree project is improved; in a stylistically adequate way be able to present the completed study in writing; be able to defend the own work and publicly discuss the work of others' constructively.


The completed degree project should be presented in the form of an essay of about 30-40 pages primarily in English.

Both from the point of view of content and formal aspects, the work should display large independence and a sure application of scientific methodology.

Material search, studies, summary of scientific literature, practical/philological work with the text material and compilation and critical analysis of results and oral and written presentation are made in close connection with ongoing Semitic research,

A supervisor is appointed in special order.

The choice of research topics is made in consultation with the supervisor.


Teaching is given in the form of compulsory seminars and individual supervision.

As conclusion, the student must defend his degree project at a seminar.

Within the course, the student also has to publicly discuss another student's submitted degree project.


The work in full is examined in seminars in a discussion with a fellow student as reviewer and in the presence of expertise.

The grade is based on both the quality of the degree project and on the level of independence during the work.

Furthermore, consideration is taken to the public discussion and defence.

At the assessment of the essay, special consideration is taken to the level of formal accuracy and thoroughness, logical production, the selection of and relevance of the primary material, linguistic/philological skills, the use of scientific method, referring and reviewing qualities and scientific boldness and creative thinking.

If there are special reasons for doing so, an examiner may make an exception from the method of assessment indicated and allow a student to be assessed by another method. An example of special reasons might be a certificate regarding special pedagogical support from the University's disability coordinator.

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