Introduction to Sustainable Development

5 credits

Syllabus, Master's level, 1MV550

A revised version of the syllabus is available.
Education cycle
Second cycle
Main field(s) of study and in-depth level
Sustainable Development A1N
Grading system
Fail (U), Pass (3), Pass with credit (4), Pass with distinction (5)
Finalised by
The Faculty Board of Science and Technology, 3 November 2020
Responsible department
Department of Earth Sciences

Entry requirements

A Bachelor's degree of at least 180 credits. Proficiency in English equivalent to the Swedish upper secondary course English 6.

Learning outcomes

On completion of the course, the student should be able to:

  • critically relate to disciplinary and interdisciplinary traditions and work methods;
  • critically relate to and analyse the history and development of the concept of Sustainable development;
  • problematise complexity and sustainable development through a critical analysis of different actors' norms and perspectives


The course provides a general introduction to theory and method at an advanced level in relation to sustainable development, interdisciplinarity and system-oriented science. The course gives an introduction to general skills that will be useful during the program within the complex area of sustainable development. The course also includes an introduction to equal opportunities with respect to the discrimination act.


The teaching consists of lectures, seminars and workshops.The lectures are given by guest lecturers from various academic disciplines and relevant areas of society. Ample opportunities are provided for active student participation and critical reflection. Participation in seminars and workshops is compulsory. Non-compulsory study visits or equivalent may occur.


The student is examined through written preparation for (1 credit) and active participation in seminars and workshops (1 credit), and through written documentation (2.5 credits) and oral presentation (0.5 credits) of a project.

If there are special reasons for doing so, an examiner may make an exception from the method of assessment indicated and allow a student to be assessed by another method. An example of special reasons might be a certificate regarding special pedagogical support from the University's disability coordinator.

