Industrial Engineering and Management I: The Functions of the Corporation

15 credits

Syllabus, Bachelor's level, 1TS301

Education cycle
First cycle
Main field(s) of study and in-depth level
Technology G1N
Grading system
Fail (U), Pass (3), Pass with credit (4), Pass with distinction (5)
Finalised by
The Faculty Board of Science and Technology, 4 March 2021
Responsible department
Department of Civil and Industrial Engineering

Entry requirements

General entry requirements and Physics 2, Chemistry 1, Mathematics 4/Mathematics E

Learning outcomes

On completion of the course, students should be able to

in introduction to industrial engineering and management

  • Interpret and use financial information as a basis for decision-making in a technology-intensive firm
  • discuss how strategy and financial management function in a technology-intensive firm

in introduction to management, leadership and project management with project

  • give an account of, discuss and use basic theories and concepts in organisation, management, leadership and project management
  • plan and carry out a small project using project management tools

in introduction to sustainable business development with case study

  • give an account of key concepts in sustainable business development, and describe how sustainability is manifested and portrayed and how sustainability is managed in technology-intensive firms
  • analyse, discuss and propose strategies for sustainable business development in technology-intensive sectors

in reflective strand

  • give an account of and reflect on how knowledge is constructed from different perspectives
  • give an account of and reflect on gender aspects, equal treatment and equal opportunities and ethics in industrial engineering and management as a research field and in practice
  • give an account of and reflect on study practices and approaches to learning in industrial engineering and management
  • give an account of and reflect on basic concepts and tools in information retrieval, sifting and review
  • reflect on the importance of written and oral communication
  • use the university's computer systems and networks and give an account of and follow ethical rules for their use.


In the course, the focus is on the technology-intensive firm and its structures, processes and practices. The technology-intensive firm's various functions and management are discussed and different perspectives on the structure and process of organisation are studied. Sustainability is emphasised as a part of the technology-intensive firm's activities.

The course consists of four parts: introduction to industrial engineering and management; introduction to management, leadership and project management; introduction to sustainable business development; and the parallel continuous reflective strand.

Introduction to industrial engineering and management: strategy, financial management, financial information in decision making and computer-based simulation of these fields.

Introduction to management, leadership and project management: management, leadership and organisation theory. Organisational structure, culture and practices. Project as an organisational form, the relationship between projects and the permanent organisation. Project planning, project organisation and project leadership. Written and oral communication.

Introduction to sustainable business development: Sustainable development, organisational and commercial contexts, relationships between financial, social and ecological development, sustainability strategies and organisational control systems. Case studies applying the studied theories, models and tools.

Reflective strand: Introduction to the programme and future professional roles. Underlying assumptions and knowledge formation in industrial engineering and management. Study practices and approaches to learning in industrial engineering and management. Information retrieval. Equal opportunities/equal treatment with respect to all grounds of discrimination. Gender aspects. Ethics. The university's computer systems and networks and ethical guidelines for their use.


Lectures, seminars, simulation, study visits, written assignments, case studies and supervision of project work.


Written examination in industrial engineering and management (3 credits), active participation in simulation in industrial engineering and management (1 credit), written take-home examination in management, leadership and project management (3 credits), project assignment (1 credit) and written examination in sustainable business development (2 credits), oral and written presentation of case studies (1 credit), written assignments and active participation in seminars in the reflective strand (4 credits).

If there are special reasons for doing so, an examiner may make an exception from the method of assessment indicated and allow a student to be assessed by another method. An example of special reasons might be a certificate regarding targeted pedagogical support from the University's disability coordinator.

