Research Methods in Food Studies, Nutrition and Dietetics: Method Specialisation

7.5 credits

Syllabus, Master's level, 2HK092

Education cycle
Second cycle
Main field(s) of study and in-depth level
Food Studies, Nutrition and Dietetics A1N
Grading system
Fail (U), Pass (G), Pass with distinction (VG)
Finalised by
The Department Board, 19 October 2022
Responsible department
Department of Food, Nutrition and Dietetics

General provisions

The course is a freestanding course at the advanced level. The course is given at half time.

Entry requirements

Bachelor's degree (180 credits) with Food Science and Nutrition as the main field of study, a Bachelor of Science in Dietetics or equivalent.

Learning outcomes

On completion of the course, the student should, in relation to Food Studies, Nutrition and Dietetics, be able to:

Knowledge and understanding

  • describe established methodological concepts and methodological challenges
  • describe and demonstrate a deepened knowledge about a specific method, its application, strengths, and weakness

Competence and skills

  • independently search for and interpret relevant methodological articles
  • argue for and against different methods based on what is intended to be investigated and how the method is applied
  • identify and provide examples of the method's importance for the study results
  • give an adequate written description of a specific method and its application
  • orally present the chosen method and critically discuss other's method presentations in a structured and well-formulated way

Judgement and approach  

  • critically review and evaluate different methods
  • demonstrate insight about the relevance of the methodology as part of the general research process and recognize the importance of ongoing method development


In the course, the student selects a method within Food Studies, Nutrition and Dietetics to specialise in. For example, a method of data collection or analysis to be use in a future master thesis. Based on the methodological approach of choice, the student searches for, analyses and summarises the scientific background of the method, its applications within different studies, as well as relevant study designs. A critical approach in relation to the strengths and weaknesses of the method will be in focus. During the individual's method specialisation, the course provides a methodological overview that connects its challenges, concepts and criteria. The student practices argumentation for and against different methods.


The teaching mainly includes digital seminars, workshops, group exercises, and recorded lectures to support the student's independent work. The language of instructions is English with the opportunity to also hand in assignments in Swedish.


Examinations include written assignments and oral presentations. The grades used are passed with distinction, passed, and failed. To pass, it is required that all assignments have been assessed as "passed" and that the student has participated actively in all mandatory sessions. To be graded as "passed with distinction", the student must demonstrate an ability to critically analyse and reason about their positions from various perspectives on a particularly high level of quality. In case of special circumstances, the examiner may make an exception from original assessment and allow a student to be assessed by a different method. An example of special circumstances could be a certificate of special pedagogic support approved by the university.

Other directives

At the course introduction the course leader will present the requirements and criteria for all mandatory participation and assignments.

