Programming in Python: Standard and External Library Packages

5 credits

Syllabus, Bachelor's level, 5KK048

Education cycle
First cycle
Grading system
Fail (U), Pass (G)
Finalised by
The Department Board, 16 January 2023
Responsible department
Department of ALM

Entry requirements

The national WASP-ED Python Course "Programming in Python: Basic and Preparatory Course" at Lund University or equivalent.

Learning outcomes

By the end of this course, students should have gained a deeper understanding of programming in Python, the concept of libraries and modules, and their usage. Upon completing the course, students should have the competence to follow further concepts in programming.

Knowledge and understanding 

For a passing grade the student must 

  •  understand the basic concepts of Python programming with libraries and modules, 
  •  be able to utilize Python libraries for tabular data, scientific computing, visualization and natural language processing (NLP),
  •  be able to put programming to practice using real world examples, 
  •  be able to use exception handling, 
  •  understand and use version control. 

Competences and skills

For a passing grade the student must 

  • be able to search for and select appropriate libraries for specific tasks within  scientific computing, visualization and natural language processing,
  • be able to test and debug programs that use libraries and modules,
  • identify, evaluate and use external resources to solve issues that arise while programming.

Judgement and approach

For a passing grade the student must

  • be able to continue studies in programming, and know what the following topics in programming include.


General knowledge of the usage of libraries and modules in Python. Further, handling of libraries in Python for tabular data, scientific computing, visualization and natural language processing (NLP). Exception handling and version control.


All teaching is distance teaching (zoom, etc.). The first lecture is mandatory as is assignments.


Assessment: (electronic) hand-in assignments

Mandatory parts: hand-in assignments and first lecture.

