Drug Utilisation Research

7.5 credits

Syllabus, Master's level, 3FS014

Education cycle
Second cycle
Main field(s) of study and in-depth level
Drug Management A1N, Pharmaceutical Sciences A1N
Grading system
Fail (U), Pass (G), Pass with distinction (VG)
Finalised by
The Educational Board of Pharmacy, 15 June 2023
Responsible department
Department of Pharmacy

General provisions

The course is optional in the Master of Science Programme in Pharmacy and the Master's Programme in Drug Management.

Entry requirements

150 credits in biomedicine and/or pharmaceutical science. Previous studies must contain 5.5 credits of epidemiology. Proficiency in English equivalent to the Swedish upper secondary course English 6.

Learning outcomes

On completion of the course the student should be able to:

* explain different qualitative and quantitative study designs that can be used to describe, analyze, understand and improve drug utilization

* state the difference between primary and secondary data collection and describe advantages and disadvantages with different data sources

* formulate research questions and choose the appropriate method for each research question

* apply quantitative and qualitative analyses

* describe how research on drug utilization may benefit society

* design, conduct and present drug utilization studies, both orally and in written format

* identify and discuss strengths and weaknesses in drug utilization studies

* discuss ethical aspects in drug utilization studies


The course focuses on research methods in drug utilization, including qualitative and quantitative methods to describe, analyze, understand and improve drug utilization from different perspectives.

During the course, students learn about relevant quantitative and qualitative methods and see how these can be applied in drug utilization studies. The students will design and carry out a study in the area of drug use. The course consists of lectures and seminars on study designs, collection of primary data, databases, analysis methods and research ethics. In addition, examples of how research can be used as a tool to improve the use of medicines are discussed.

The applied part of the course is devoted to a group project focusing on methodological issues, in which the students will design, conduct and present a scientific study.


Teaching is given in the form of lectures, seminars and a group work in which the students will design, conduct and present drug utilization studies.

Compulsory parts of the course: course introduction, examining seminars with associated individual assignments, as well as conducting the study in the project including a written report in a group as well as individual oral presentation and opposition.

The course is given in English.


An oral exam takes place at the end of the course.

In order to pass the course, in addition to the oral exam (2 credits), approved results at seminars with associated individual assignments (2 credits) as well as a written report and oral presentation including opposing of a completed study (3.5 credits) are required.

If there are special needs, the examiner may make exceptions to the specified examination method and allow an individual student to be examined in another way. Special reasons may include, for example, the announcement of special pedagogical support from the University Coordinator for Students with Disabilities.

Other directives

This course replaces and corresponds to 3FS401, research methods in drug utilization.

