Introduction to Irish Folklore

7.5 credits

Syllabus, Bachelor's level, 5KS228

Education cycle
First cycle
Grading system
Fail (U), Pass (G), Pass with distinction (VG)
Finalised by
The Department Board, 24 May 2023
Responsible department
Department of English

Entry requirements

General entry requirements and English 6

Learning outcomes

Upon completing the course, students will be able to:

  • Demonstrate a familiarity with the history of folklore collection and folklore studies in Ireland, and draw parallels with similar developments in other countries.
  • Identify the main features of various traditional genres such as the folktale and legend.
  • Produce an interpretation of a piece of folklore, grounded in the content and context of the performance.
  • Evaluate folklore scholarship critically.
  • Work with archival folklore materials, either in-person or via online resources.
  • Demonstrate a familiarity with the basic principles and practices of fieldwork.


This course introduces students to the folklore of Ireland and Gaelic Scotland. Students will read and learn how to interpret traditional texts such as tales, legends, songs, and proverbs. Students will also learn about the history of folklore collecting, various folkloric theories, and how to use archival resources and engage in fieldwork.


Campus course: Group instruction. English is the language of instruction. Instruction may be partly Web-based.

Internet-based course: Teaching is done in the virtual learning environment. A number of on-campus meetings for group instruction may be added. English is the language of instruction.


Campus course: examination is conducted through oral and written assignments, group assignments, and continuous assessment. Internet-based course: examination is done in writing. Grades used are either Fail, Pass, or Pass with Distinction.

If there are special reasons for doing so, an examiner may make an exception from the method of assessment indicated and allow a student to be assessed by another method. An example of special reasons might be a certificate regarding special pedagogical support from the University's disability coordinator.

Students who do not achieve a passing grade on the regular examination will have another opportunity to take the examination within a reasonable period of time after the regular examination.

Students who fail a certain examination twice have the right upon request, following consultation with the head of department, to have another examiner appointed.

Other directives

If the syllabus or course reading for a component has been changed, students have a right to be examined under the original syllabus and course reading on three occasions during the following three semesters. Normally this right then expires. Otherwise there are no limitations on the number of examination opportunities.

Transitional provisions

For transitional regulations in the case of changes in the syllabus, please contact the student adviser.

No reading list found.

