The Green Deal, Sustainability, and EU Competition Law and Policy: Futureproofing Competition for 2050

I detta projekt undersöks om den klassiska konkurrensrättens strävan efter lägre priser och ökad produktion, vilket leder till ökad ekonomisk aktivitet, är förenlig med EU:s ambitiösa mål att omvandla ekonomin för den gröna omställningen och med social och ekologisk hållbarhet.


Marios Iacovides is currently an Academy Researcher of the Royal Swedish Academy of Letters and he has been awarded a 3-year grant (90 per cent research) to conduct his latest project with the title “The Green Deal, Sustainability, and EU Competition Law and Policy: Futureproofing Competition for 2050”. For this project, which will result in a monograph, Iacovides is investigating if classic competition law’s strive for lower prices and output increase, which leads to an increase in economic activity, is compatible with the EU’s ambitious goals to transform the economy for the green transition and with social and ecological sustainability. Iacovides is analysing competition policy’s compatibility with the EU’s Green Deal and ensuing legislation both from the perspective of green growth and degrowth in order to make suggestions on how competition law can accommodate either of those paths to green transition or a mix of the two.

As part of this analysis, Iacovides will undertake four case studies relating to different instruments of EU competition law and policy: (1) the market for consumer electronics for anticompetitive agreements and abuses of dominance (2) the fashion industry for exceptions from the treaty prohibitions against anticompetitive agreements and abuses of dominance (3) food production and agrochemicals for merger control and (4) energy markets for state aid.

Medarbetare: Marios Iacovides

