Marie Skłodowska-Curie Action – Innovative Training Network (MSCA-ITN) NU-SPINE

Project Summary

The growing elderly and more active population puts higher demands on implants, which need to last longer and withstand more severe loading conditions. In the spine, mechanical resistance as well as biocompatibility are especially important due to the vicinity of sensitive tissues such as the spinal cord and nerves. NU-SPINE aims to deliver novel material compositions with a higher degree of biocompatibility as well as novel implant designs adapted to the local loading situation. Through a comprehensive research training program, the consortium, comprising some of Europe’s foremost research institutes, innovative companies and a leading clinical organisation, will prepare early stage researchers for careers in biomedical engineering research and development and create the scientific foundation for innovation in the performance of medical devices. The program aims to deliver 15 PhD’s and will run from January 2019 to December 2022.

  • WP1. Training and career development. Focuses on the research training delivered to the ESRs and other researchers to enhance their research skills, career prospects and communication.
  • WP3. Structural design and advanced mechanical characterization of novel materials and implants for the spine.
  • WP5. Biological response to novel materials for the spine.
  • WP4. Tribology and corrosion of novel materials and implants for the spine.
  • WP2. Synthesis of novel materials with enhanced biocompatibility.

Training Objectives

  1. To deliver a tailored, multidisciplinary, scientific training programme firmly anchored within leading public, commercial and clinical research and development environments in order to enhance the career potential of the researchers, including preparation for further qualification such as professional engineering status (e.g. chartership in the UK);
  2. To recruit and train fellows with the necessary range of skills and capabilities with which to execute effective entrepreneurship, knowledge transfer and leading research in the private and public sectors;
  3. To deliver leading cross- and beyond-network training events, including workshops and complementary training, which reflect the international, collaborative and highly mobile nature of a leading biomedical engineer;
  4. To provide meaningful secondments, which reflect the requirement for on-the-job and practice-related training that complements the formal scientific training obtained through the doctoral training;
  5. To train fellows in the necessary disseminations/outreach skills with which to communicate their research to the wider community including the general public, policy makers and clinicians as well as other scientists.


Research Objectives

  1. To develop dense silicon nitride material with only biocompatible sintering additives;
  2. To develop novel, osteoinductive spinal fusion designs without the need for autologous bone;
  3. To develop ceramic coatings for Total Disc Replacement (TDR) devices, for improved wear resistance and improved biological response to wear products;
  4. To develop macro-porous silicon nitride materials, with an adequate mechanical, chemical and biological response for use in spinal fusion devices;
  5. To improve existing and develop novel, advanced material analysis methods as well as mechanical, tribological and biological evaluation methods for materials and implants used in the spine;
  6. To optimise implant designs in terms of geometry vs. mechanical performance, aiming for personalized implants;
  7. To scale-up manufacturing processes for novel ceramic coatings and bulk materials for industrial use.

NU-SPINE is composed of 6 beneficiaries and 3 partner organisations from academia and industry, coordinated by Uppsala University. You can find more information on each of these below.

Role in the project: Uppsala University co-ordinates the project, and provides main supervision to ESRs 1, 2, 11 and 15. Uppsala University is responsible for delivering Work Packages 1 (Training and career development), 2 (Synthesis of novel materials with enhanced biocompatibility), 6 (Exploitation and dissemination), 7 (Netowrk management) and 8 (Ethics).

Prof. Cecilia Persson leads the BioMaterial Systems (BMS) research group within the Division of Applied Materials Science at Uppsala University. She aims to take an integrated approach to solving clinical problems. To do this, the group uses their combined competence in materials science, mechanical and biological engineering. Projects revolve around the development and characterization of new biomaterials but also characterization of soft and hard tissues. Other projects focus on the design and characterization of implants, alone or in combination with tissues.

Prof. Håkan Engqvist is a full Professor of Applied Materials Science. He has been involved in starting several companies and has more than 50 patents. His special area of interest is ceramic materials, which can be used for many applications in the human body.

Prof. Per Isaksson addresses problems in the theoretical and applied mechanics of solids. My and my colleagues' focus is on problems concerning fracture and deformations in complex heterogeneous materials. The approaches are theoretical, i.e. combinations of analytical and numerical studies, and always supported by vital experimental observations. The numerical methods utilized are mainly high-performance multiscale computer models based on phase field fracture theories or non-linear finite elements.

Dr Gry Hulsart Billström is a researcher at Uppsala University. Her main interest is to explore the biological response of biomaterials tailored for bone. She does this using in vitro and in vivo models, which she tries to optimise to mimic clinical situations and addressing the 3Rs from Russell and Burch. Gry works with patient tissue, cell culture and especially in vivo longitudinal imaging using µCT and radio-nuclear imaging. The aim is to visualize the biomaterial's action in vitro and in vivo.

Role in the project: ETHZ is the leader of work package 3 - Biological response to novel materials for the spine. ETHZ contributes to supervision of the early stage researchers (ESRs) participating in the project i.e. ESR4 (topological optimization of macro-porous implant structures), ESR5 (cell and organ culture models and animal models to characterise the biological response to SixNy including osseointegration), ESR10 (numerical models of a whole-ceramic Total Disc Replacement), ESR12 (utilizing advanced forming methods for prototype production and upscaling of oxide ceramics to form patient-specific implants) and ESR13 (develop novel testing standards for the evaluation of the non-linear dynamic response of bulk ceramic materials and structures).

Prof. Stephen J. Ferguson is a full Professor of Orthopaedic Technology and deputy head of the Department of Health Sciences and Technology. He has twenty years’ experience in experimental and computational orthopaedic biomechanics. Work-package leader on three large-scale EU projects in the domain (SPINEFX, VPHOP, LifeLongJoints).

Prof. Karin Würtz-Kozak is an Assistant Professor of Immunoengineering and Regenerative Medicine at the Institute for Biomechanics. She has extensive expertise in inflammatory processes, pharmacology, cell-to-organ scale culture systems and mechanobiology.

Dr. Benedikt Helgason is a Docent at the Institute for Biomechanics. He has extensive experience in the consulting engineering field (computational mechanics) and is a recognized expert in the field of computational biomechanics, biomedical imaging-based model generation and biomaterials evaluation.

Role in the project: Local Lead – for the University of Leeds.

Prof. Richard Hall is a Professor of spinal biomechanics at the University of Leeds. He has an undergraduate degree in Physics from the University of Leeds and was awarded a PhD from the University of Lancaster. He rejoined the University of Leeds as a jointly appointed Lecturer in the Schools of Mechanical Engineering and Medicine. His appointment is now solely within the School of Mechanical Engineering. His research interests are related to medical engineering particularly of the spine as well as other joints including the hip.

Prof. Anne Neville is a Professor of Tribology and Surface Engineering and Director of the Institute of Functional Surfaces at the University of Leeds. She is the Royal Academy of Engineering Chair in Emerging Technologies and has an extensive research track record and broad expertise in tribology, lubrication and wear, surgical technologies, corrosion and tribo-corrosion.

Dr Michael Bryant is currently developing research and teaching activities devoted to modern aspects of corrosion, tribology and surface science. This includes surface chemical effects in energy production, bio-tribology, bio-corrosion and methods of mitigation. His research is concerned with understanding and optimising the interactions occurring at interfaces commonly found in many applications. His research addresses a wide range of applications including aerospace, automotive, orthopaedic, cardiovascular and incontinence technologies.

Role in the project: Host of ESR8 (development of an advanced control system for spinal simulatorsand), and contributing expertise in measurement, control and automation expertise in WP4.

Dr David Keeling, CEO, is a chartered engineer with expertise in automation, control and measurement. He has a PhD in Biomedical Robotics from the University of Leeds and outputs from it have won numerous national and global awards. He has founded and managed several SMEs and holds a current visiting lectureship with the University of Leeds and helps to ensure that students are being taught what industry demands.

Dr Justin Gallagher, Finance Director, has a PhD in Rehabilitation Robotics from the University of Leeds. He is recognised nationally as an expert in server side scripting and web based programming. He worked as a software engineer in Japan for 4 years and is fluent in Japanese. He is a serial entreprenuer founding consultancy companies and online Software as a Service platforms.

Role in the project: CeramTec is the leader of work package (WP) 3 - Structural design and advanced mechanical characterization of novel materials and implants for the spine. CeramTec contributes to WP2 and contributes to the supervision of early stage researchers (ESRs) participating in the project, i.e. ESR10 (Design of an all-ceramic TDR), ESR12 (Development, characterization and scale-up of all-ceramic TDR), and ESR6 (Development of adverse testing scenarios for TDR).

Dr.-Ing. Roman Preuss, VP Development at CeramTec’s Medical Products Division, received a doctoral degree in Mechanical Engineering from Ilmenau University of Technology (Germany). He has been working in different responsibilities in the field of research and development at CeramTec since 2004 and has detailed knowledge in design and testing of ceramic implants under the regulation for class III medical devices.

Dipl.-Ing. Markus Flohr, Hd of Testing at CeramTec’s Medical Products Division, received his degree 2004 from the University of Stuttgart (Germany). He is responsible for testing of ceramic implants for more than 12 years and contributed to a variety of new developments such as ceramic knee and ceramic hip resurfacing systems. He has deep knowledge in medical product development especially with regards to mechanical integrity and testing of ceramic implants.

NU-SPINE is composed of 6 beneficiaries and 3 partner organisations from academia and industry, coordinated by Uppsala University. You can find more information on each of these below.

Role in the project: Uppsala University co-ordinates the project, and provides main supervision to ESRs 1, 2, 11 and 15. Uppsala University is responsible for delivering Work Packages 1 (Training and career development), 2 (Synthesis of novel materials with enhanced biocompatibility), 6 (Exploitation and dissemination), 7 (Netowrk management) and 8 (Ethics).

Prof. Cecilia Persson leads the BioMaterial Systems (BMS) research group within the Division of Applied Materials Science at Uppsala University. She aims to take an integrated approach to solving clinical problems. To do this, the group uses their combined competence in materials science, mechanical and biological engineering. Projects revolve around the development and characterization of new biomaterials but also characterization of soft and hard tissues. Other projects focus on the design and characterization of implants, alone or in combination with tissues.

Prof. Håkan Engqvist is a full Professor of Applied Materials Science. He has been involved in starting several companies and has more than 50 patents. His special area of interest is ceramic materials, which can be used for many applications in the human body.

Prof. Per Isaksson addresses problems in the theoretical and applied mechanics of solids. My and my colleagues' focus is on problems concerning fracture and deformations in complex heterogeneous materials. The approaches are theoretical, i.e. combinations of analytical and numerical studies, and always supported by vital experimental observations. The numerical methods utilized are mainly high-performance multiscale computer models based on phase field fracture theories or non-linear finite elements.

Dr Gry Hulsart Billström is a researcher at Uppsala University. Her main interest is to explore the biological response of biomaterials tailored for bone. She does this using in vitro and in vivo models, which she tries to optimise to mimic clinical situations and addressing the 3Rs from Russell and Burch. Gry works with patient tissue, cell culture and especially in vivo longitudinal imaging using µCT and radio-nuclear imaging. The aim is to visualize the biomaterial's action in vitro and in vivo.

Role in the project: ETHZ is the leader of work package 3 - Biological response to novel materials for the spine. ETHZ contributes to supervision of the early stage researchers (ESRs) participating in the project i.e. ESR4 (topological optimization of macro-porous implant structures), ESR5 (cell and organ culture models and animal models to characterise the biological response to SixNy including osseointegration), ESR10 (numerical models of a whole-ceramic Total Disc Replacement), ESR12 (utilizing advanced forming methods for prototype production and upscaling of oxide ceramics to form patient-specific implants) and ESR13 (develop novel testing standards for the evaluation of the non-linear dynamic response of bulk ceramic materials and structures).

Prof. Stephen J. Ferguson is a full Professor of Orthopaedic Technology and deputy head of the Department of Health Sciences and Technology. He has twenty years’ experience in experimental and computational orthopaedic biomechanics. Work-package leader on three large-scale EU projects in the domain (SPINEFX, VPHOP, LifeLongJoints).

Prof. Karin Würtz-Kozak is an Assistant Professor of Immunoengineering and Regenerative Medicine at the Institute for Biomechanics. She has extensive expertise in inflammatory processes, pharmacology, cell-to-organ scale culture systems and mechanobiology.

Dr. Benedikt Helgason is a Docent at the Institute for Biomechanics. He has extensive experience in the consulting engineering field (computational mechanics) and is a recognized expert in the field of computational biomechanics, biomedical imaging-based model generation and biomaterials evaluation.

Role in the project: Local Lead – for the University of Leeds.

Prof. Richard Hall is a Professor of spinal biomechanics at the University of Leeds. He has an undergraduate degree in Physics from the University of Leeds and was awarded a PhD from the University of Lancaster. He rejoined the University of Leeds as a jointly appointed Lecturer in the Schools of Mechanical Engineering and Medicine. His appointment is now solely within the School of Mechanical Engineering. His research interests are related to medical engineering particularly of the spine as well as other joints including the hip.

Prof. Anne Neville is a Professor of Tribology and Surface Engineering and Director of the Institute of Functional Surfaces at the University of Leeds. She is the Royal Academy of Engineering Chair in Emerging Technologies and has an extensive research track record and broad expertise in tribology, lubrication and wear, surgical technologies, corrosion and tribo-corrosion.

Dr Michael Bryant is currently developing research and teaching activities devoted to modern aspects of corrosion, tribology and surface science. This includes surface chemical effects in energy production, bio-tribology, bio-corrosion and methods of mitigation. His research is concerned with understanding and optimising the interactions occurring at interfaces commonly found in many applications. His research addresses a wide range of applications including aerospace, automotive, orthopaedic, cardiovascular and incontinence technologies.

Role in the project: Host of ESR8 (development of an advanced control system for spinal simulatorsand), and contributing expertise in measurement, control and automation expertise in WP4.

Dr David Keeling, CEO, is a chartered engineer with expertise in automation, control and measurement. He has a PhD in Biomedical Robotics from the University of Leeds and outputs from it have won numerous national and global awards. He has founded and managed several SMEs and holds a current visiting lectureship with the University of Leeds and helps to ensure that students are being taught what industry demands.

Dr Justin Gallagher, Finance Director, has a PhD in Rehabilitation Robotics from the University of Leeds. He is recognised nationally as an expert in server side scripting and web based programming. He worked as a software engineer in Japan for 4 years and is fluent in Japanese. He is a serial entreprenuer founding consultancy companies and online Software as a Service platforms.

Role in the project: CeramTec is the leader of work package (WP) 3 - Structural design and advanced mechanical characterization of novel materials and implants for the spine. CeramTec contributes to WP2 and contributes to the supervision of early stage researchers (ESRs) participating in the project, i.e. ESR10 (Design of an all-ceramic TDR), ESR12 (Development, characterization and scale-up of all-ceramic TDR), and ESR6 (Development of adverse testing scenarios for TDR).

Dr.-Ing. Roman Preuss, VP Development at CeramTec’s Medical Products Division, received a doctoral degree in Mechanical Engineering from Ilmenau University of Technology (Germany). He has been working in different responsibilities in the field of research and development at CeramTec since 2004 and has detailed knowledge in design and testing of ceramic implants under the regulation for class III medical devices.

Dipl.-Ing. Markus Flohr, Hd of Testing at CeramTec’s Medical Products Division, received his degree 2004 from the University of Stuttgart (Germany). He is responsible for testing of ceramic implants for more than 12 years and contributed to a variety of new developments such as ceramic knee and ceramic hip resurfacing systems. He has deep knowledge in medical product development especially with regards to mechanical integrity and testing of ceramic implants.


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Funded by the European Union (ERC, PHOENIX, 101043985)

Duration: 01 April 2023 - 31 March 2028


