Qian Shi


Qian joined the EMBLA research group in September 2020. Her project focuses on the development of a microfluidic platform for controlled generation and culture of human cerebral organoids, with the assistance of acoustofluidic methods. The platform could be used for drug discovery and basic medical research.

Short CV

  • 2020 - current, PhD in Biomedical Engineering, Uppsala University
  • 2020, MSc in Applied Biotechnology, Uppsala University
  • 2017, BSc in Biochemical Engineering, Technion – Israel Institute of Technology (Israel)
Bild på man i orange tröja. Han ler.

Research Project

Project 1: The effect of continuous phase fluid on acoustic particle focusing in droplet microfluidics

One of the goals with microfluidic systems for bio-related applications is to integrate multiple analysis processes that include sample preparation, separation and detection system on a small, single chip. Droplet microfluidics generates discrete droplet-form vessels inside an immiscible continuous fluid. It can be incorporated into the above-mentioned microfluidic systems to increase throughput and reduce sample and reagent consumption. The ability to precisely manipulate the content (e.g., cells and beads) inside droplets is important to connect to and enable other downstream operations on-chip. My work focuses on positional control using forces generated by an acoustic standing wave. Specifically, I study how the choice of continuous phase fluid affects the strength of the acoustic force.

Visual abstract

Project 2: Microfluidic platform for controlled generation and culture of human cerebral organoids

My other project aims to develop an optimised integrated ultrasonic device (so-called acoustofluidic device) with 3D focusing ability. The device is part of an integrated microfluidic platform for the generation and long-term culture of homogenous human cerebral organoids at a large scale. My task is use acoustofluidics to control the spatial position of cells and particles inside hydrogel droplets in microfluidic systems. This technique can be used to develop 3D based cellular models for drug discovery, and basic medical research.

Research Themes

The Biomedical Engineering Division's research is consolidated under four key research themes; precision medicine, sustainability, antimicrobial resistance and data driven life science. My research is focused on precision medicine and sustainability.

Key Competences

  • 3D cell culture
  • Acoustic trapping
  • Acoustofluidics
  • Droplet microfluidics
  • Microfabrication
  • Microfluidics


ORCID: 0000-0002-6429-789X


Funded by the European Union (ERC, PHOENIX, 101043985)

