Ocean Cheung

Akademiska meriter:
Docent i teknisk fysik med inriktning mot nanoteknologi och funktionella material

Kort presentation

Our group is part of the Division of Nanotechnology and Functional Materials (NFM) at the Department of Materials Science and Engineering

Current research interests include:

- Synthesis and development of novel inorganic porous materials
- Environmental applications of porous materials
- Medical and bio-related applications of inorganic carbonates

Group website: http://www.thecheungsters.group


Google Scholar

Twitter: @TCheungsters


  • drug delivery
  • functional materials
  • gas separation
  • inorganic chemistry
  • porous materials
  • sol-gel synthesis
  • water treatment


Ocean is currently an assistant professor at the Division of Nanotechnology and Functional Materials at Uppsala University, Sweden. Ocean grew up in the small town of Monmouth, UK. He holds a Master of Chemistry (MChem) degree from the University of Warwick, UK and a PhD in Materials Chemistry from Stockholm University, Sweden. His PhD work was carried out under the supervision of Prof. Niklas Hedin on the development of narrow pore zeolites and related materials for carbon dioxide sorption. After completing his PhD Ocean was a postdoc in Prof. Maria Strømme‘s group at Uppsala University. After another postdoc position at Heriot-Watt University, UK he returned to Uppsala University as a senior researcher. In 2019 Ocean was appointed assistant professorship at Uppsala University and completed his Docent title in 2020. Ocean has received a number of prestigious awards including the “Swedish King Gustafs 50th Birthday Award for Sciences, Engineering and Environment in 2018 and the Oscar Prize for young scientists in 2020

Docent (Uppsala University, Sweden), 2020

PhD (Stockholm University, Sweden), 2014

MChem (University of Warwick, UK), 2009


I lead materials development research at the Division of Nanotechnology and Functional Materials.

Current research interests include:

- Synthesis and development of novel inorganic porous materials
- Environmental applications of porous materials
- Medical and bio-related applications of inorganic carbonates

Group website: http://www.thecheungsters.group

Twitter: @TCheungsters

Ocean Cheung

