Sofia Ahlberg

Universitetslektor vid Engelska institutionen

018-471 12 59
Engelska parken, Thunbergsvägen 3 L
Box 527
751 20 Uppsala
Akademiska meriter:
PhD, docent

Kort presentation

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I grew up and lived in the Southern Hemisphere which helps me to bring a global perspective to my research interests in the humanities, ecofiction & climate, as well as the intersections between pedagogy and literature. I'm convinced that literary studies has an urgent role to play in the design of alternative social frameworks. For this reason, I'm committed to classroom practices that can respond to a rapidly changing world.


  • ecofiction
  • energy humanities
  • pedagogy


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My new book Magic, Literature and Climate Pedagogy is coming out with Bloomsbury later summer 2024:

A recent book of mine, Teaching Literature in Times of Crisis (Routledge 2021), demonstrates how and why to teach relevant literary texts within the context of crisis.

Apart from that, it's also an honour and a privilege to be the Vice Dean at the Faculty of Languages together with my colleagues David Håkansson and Ingela Nilsson. My area of responsibility is education and collaboration.

I co-edit, together with Thomas Oliver Beebee, the Bloomsbury series Literatures as World Literature.



Ahlberg, Sofia. Atlantic Afterlives in Contemporary Fiction: The Oceanic Imaginary since the Information Age. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2016.

Book Chapters

Ahlberg, Sofia. “Fotminne.” Loanwords to Live With: An Ecotopian Lexicon. Eds. Brent Ryan Bellamy and Matthew Schneider-Mayerson (forthcoming Minnesota University Press, 2018).

Ahlberg, Sofia. “Where have all the flowers gone? Alternative Mobilities and Going Further with the Merry Pranksters.” Culture, Transport and Global Warming. Ed. Tatiana Prokova (forthcoming 2018).

Ahlberg, Sofia.“Written on Water: David Vann’s Evocation of Walter Benjamin’s Dictum ‘to read what was never written’.” Water Natures and Cultures: Critical Essays on Water in Contemporary Literature and Film. Nevada: U of Nevada P. Ed. Paula Farca (forthcoming 2017).

Ahlberg, Sofia. “Via Dolores: The Passage of the Feminine as Contraband in Nabokov’s Fiction.” Nabokov’s Women: The Silent Sisterhood of Textual Nomads. Ed. Rakhimova-Sommers, Elena. Lexington Books, 2017.

Ahlberg, Sofia. “Espionage and the War on Secrecy and Terror in Graham Greene and Beyond.” Detecting Detection: International Perspectives on the Uses of a Plot. Eds. Peter Baker and Deborah Shaller. Continuum (2012).

Ahlberg, Sofia. “Transatlanticism.” Teaching Nineteenth Century Fiction. Teaching the New English Series. Eds. Andrew Maunder and Jennifer Phegley. Palgrave Macmillan in conjunction with the English Subject Centre (2010).

Ahlberg, Sofia. “Within Oceanic Reach: The Effects of September 11 on a Drought-Stricken Nation.” From Solidarity to Schisms: 9/11 From Outside the U.S. Ed. Cara Cilano. Rodopi (2009).

Journal Articles (peer-reviewed)

Ahlberg, Sofia. “Goodbye Crude World: The Aesthetics of Environmental Catastrophe in Michel Faber’s The Book of Strange New Things and Edward Burtynsky’s Oil Photographs.” The Comparatist Special Issue: Catastrophe (forthcoming 2017).

Ahlberg, Sofia. “The Incorrigible Other: Representations of the American Girl in European Twentieth-Century Literature.” Journal of Modern Literature 33.3 (2010): 64-77.

Ahlberg, Sofia. “ ‘Becoming a Different Me’: Simone de Beauvoir on Freedom and Transatlantic Sexual Stereotypes.” New Readings: Cardiff School of European Studies Vol. 10, 2009.

Ahlberg, Sofia. “Women and War in Contemporary Love Stories from Uganda and Nigeria.” Comparative Literature Studies 46.2 (2009): 407-424.

Ahlberg, Sofia. “Günter Grass as Literary Intellectual: Memory, Ambiguity, and Constructive Conflict.” Studies in the Humanities 35.2 (2008): 216-230.

Sofia Ahlberg is also a regular contributor to Public Scholarship, including publications such as The Conversation.


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Sofia Ahlberg

