Zhihan Lyu

Universitetslektor vid Institutionen för speldesign

070-167 99 05
070-167 99 05
Strandgatan 1b (Residenset)
621 57 VISBY
Uppsala universitet, Campus Gotland
62167 Visby

Kort presentation

I am a Lecturer, an Engineer and a Researcher in Virtual Reality, Digital Twins and Metaverse major in Mathematics and Computer Applied Technology. My research application fields widely range from everyday life to traditional research fields (i.e. Geography and Transportation, Biology and Chemistry, Medicine and Rehabilitation, Industry and Entertainment). During the past years, I have completed several projects successfully on PC, Website, Smartphone and Smartglasses.


  • artificial intelligence
  • blockchain
  • digital twins
  • human computer interaction
  • internet of things
  • metaverse
  • serious game
  • virtual reality


I have started to write computer program since 1998, using FoxBase on 386. A Tank War game has been done in 1999 using QuickBASIC on 486. Hence, I have learned C, C++, C#, Java, HTML, JavaScript, Python, and popular compilers (Visual Studio, Xcode, Eclipse, Matlab).


I have contributed to some projects. Recent years I am working on the combination of VR, IoT and AI, that is Digital Twins, and Human-Computer-Human-Interaction, that is Metaverse.


WebVRGIS: Web Virtual Reality Geographic Information System

UnityMol: 3D Molecular Visualization with Unity3D

Touchless Interaction: Real-Time Hands/Feet Dynamic Gesture Interaction on Smart Phone/Smart Glass

Rehametrics: EU FP7 ITN(316748): LanPercept - Language and Perception/Virtual Reality Rehabilitation

Open3D: EPSRC(EP/M013685/1): Open3D: Collaborative Editing for 3D Virtual Worlds

MoTIVE: Horizon 2020 ERC Advanced grant(742989) Moments in Time in Immersive Virtual Environments

Serious Game:

MeetDurian: A Location-Based Games to Improve COVID-19 Hygiene Habits


DecentralizedLearning: Decentralized Collaborative Learning Model based on Blockchain

WaveHeightPrediction: Open Sea and the Offshore Sea Wave Height Prediction Based on LSTM

WaveEnergyPrediction: Prediction Wave Energy by Prediction of Sea Wave Height

UpdatingCAVsModel: Updating Connected and Automated Vehicles (CAVs) Model as the Scanner of Heterogeneous Traffic Flow.

MedicalPrediction: Predicting Disease Using Artificial Intelligence Models

DronePP-RL: Simulation of UAV Path Planning Based on Reinforcement Learning

Digital Twins:

WindPowerPrediction: Wind Power Prediction in Digital Twins

DigitalTwinsSewagePlant: Augmented Digital Twins in Sewage Plant

Adaptive3dReconstruction: A 3D Reconstruction Method that can Adapt to Multiple Scales

DigitalTwinsSystemforOilTemperaturePredictionandRoboticArmMaintenance: DigitalTwins System for Oil Temperature Prediction and Robotic Arm Maintenance


Literature_Data_Visualization_Analysis: The Visual Analysis Tool for Literature Data.

FellowCited: Count which IEEE/ACM Fellows an author's papers are cited by.


Here are the videos of our two Posters and two Demos on IEEE VR 2022, a Poster on EuroVis 2022, a Poster and two Demos on IEEE VR 2023, two Full papers on ACM MM 2023, a Full paper on ACM IMX 2024, a Full paper on IEEE SMC 2024.

The Digital Twins of Thor's Hammer Based on Motion Sensing

We use Tesla coils to simulate thunderbolts from Thor's Hammer. It's the preliminary demonstration of Digital Twins of electric.


Liquid Digital Twins Based on Magnetic Fluid Toy

We can control the magnetic fluid by magnet. This is the preliminary proof of Digital Twins of Liquid.


Digital Twins of Wave Energy Generation Based on Artificial Intelligence

Wave energy is the use of wave height drop to generate energy.


Digital Twins of Smart Farms

We build Digital Twins of a smart farm. The UI can show the status of every component of the farm in real time.


Virtual Reality Based Human-Computer Interaction System for Metaverse

This work introduces the Metaverse with HCI functions of 3D face reconstruction, handshake and hug, multi-user synchronous editing environment, all information is stored in the blockchain.


Multi-scale Metaverse Based on Multidimensional Hash Geocoding

A non-mutagenic multi-dimensional Hash Geocoding can organize and store these data with geographic features, and realize data mapping of different scales from macro to micro.


Digital Twins System for Wind Power Forecasting Based on FIG-Transformer

A wind power forecasting system based on the combination of fuzzy information granulation and Transformer model is proposed, which is used for monitoring and forecasting of wind power generation.


Augmented Digital Twins for Predictive Automatic Regulation in Sewage Plant

the Digital Twins is applied to the Sewage Plant, and the actual needs of the Sewage Plant are analyzed to solve the problems existing in the Sewage Plant through the Digital Twins.


Integration of Multi-scale Spatial Digital Twins in Metaverse

Integration of Multi-scale Spatial Digital Twins in Metaverse Based on Multi-dimensional Hash Geocoding


Simulation of UAV Path Planning Based on Reinforcement Learning

This article proposes a unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) path planning algorithm based on reinforcement learning and built a digital twins imulation environment using the Unity3D engine.



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Zhihan Lyu

