Håkan Rensmo

Professor vid Institutionen för fysik och astronomi; Röntgenfysik

070-167 91 45
Ångströmlaboratoriet, Lägerhyddsvägen 1
Box 516
751 20 UPPSALA
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Kort presentation

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Professor in Physics and head of the program Condensed Matter Physics of Energy Material

The group of professor Rensmo develop and implement the new possibilities with X-ray science with the aim to develop a fundamental understanding of key processes connected energy materials including light to electrical energy conversion and storage with applications such as photovoltaics and batteries.

My publications in google scholar: Link


  • energy conversion
  • energy materials
  • interfaces
  • x-ray science


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Current position: Professor in Physics 2011, Dept. of Physics and Astronomy, Uppsala University. Head of the research program Condensed Matter Physics of Energy Materials

Docent, Physics, Dept. of Physics, Uppsala University, Sweden, 2003

Post-Doc., Nanochem. group, Dept. of Chemistry, Univ. College Dublin, Ireland,1998-2000

PhD, Physical Chemistry, Dept. of Physical Chemistry, Uppsala University, Sweden, 1992-1998, Titel: “Dye-sensitized Nanostructured Metal Oxide Electrodes, Photoelectrochemical, Quantum Chemical and Electron Spectroscopic Studies”

Master of Science in Physics and Chemistry, Uppsala University, Sweden, 1992

Supervision: Involved in more than 20 PhDs and Post Docs


  • Lilly and Sven Thuréus price 2015, Royal Society of Sciences (For basic research on energy materials including photovoltaics and Li-ion batteris)

  • Thalénska priset för år 2006, Royal Society of Sciences (For the broad research at the interfaces between chemistry and physics, mainly in the area of solar cells and nanostructuresd materials)

  • The 2002 Gustafsson prize for younger researchers, Göran Gustafsson Foundation (1000 kkr, 2002-2005) for studies on Functional Hybrid Molecular Materials.

Conference committees

  • International Scientific Advisory Committee, The 10th International Conference on Hard X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy, June, Pilsen 2024

  • International Scientific Advisory Committee, The 7th International Conference on Hard X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy, September, Berkley 2017

  • Chair, The Future of X-Ray and Electron Spectroscopies, Uppsala 2016

  • Local organizing committee, 4th Hybrid an Organic Photovoltaics Conference (HOPV2012) Uppsala 2012.

  • International scientific committee, Trends in Organic Electronics and Hybrid Photovoltaics, Nano-Sol-Net International Symposium, Eforie Nord, Romania 2008

  • Coordinator for workshop on Energy Research, Science at MaxIV, Lund 2007

  • Program committee, the16th International Conference on Photochemical Conversion and Storage of Solar energy (IPS), Uppsala 2006,

  • Local organizing committee, 9th International Conference on Electronic Spectroscopy and Structure (ICESS), Uppsala 2003.


About 200 publications, h-index 69, times sited 20500. During the last 10 year the group yearly has about 10 conference/workshop contributions, about half of them oral and invited talks at conferences such as E-MRS, HOPV and HAXPES conferences.

Some other merits

  • Unit head Experimental and Applied Physics, Department of Physics and Astronomy 2024-

  • URG WISE Wallenberg representative 2021-

  • Head of the research program Condensed Matter Physics of Energy Materials” 2021-

  • Head of the Division for X-ray photon Science 2021

  • Program director of the master program “Quantum Technology” , 2021-

  • Head of the Division of Molecular and Condensed Matter Physics 2015-2021

  • Member of Kungliga Vetenskaps-Societeten 2020-

  • Board of the Ångström Microstructure Laboratory (MSL) 2017-present

  • Assistant program director of the engineering program “Teknisk fysik” , 2020-present

  • Teaching Coordinator at Division of Molecular and Condensed Matter Physics 2011-2019

  • Petra III, Beamtime evaluation committee HAXPES 2015-2019

  • Diamond, Beamtime evaluation committee photoemission 2016-2019

  • Evaluation project application, Iceland Research council, 2015

  • Faculty board member about 2 PhD exams/year during the last 10 years.

  • Member of Elektorsförsamlingen, Tek-Nat, Uppsala Universitet. 2014.

  • Member in Stand-Up for Energy at Uppsala University/KTH

  • Member in the Centre for Molecular devices (CMD), Uppsala University/KTH

  • Member in The Ångström Advanced Battery Centre at Uppsala University.

  • Workgroup responsible for implementing the GRADuate School in Advanced Materials for the 21st century - gradSAM21 at Uppsala University (2010-2014)

  • Member of the program board of “Teknisk fysik med materialvetenskap” (2010).

  • Member of the board of the Department of Physics, Uppsala University (2005-2007)


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Håkan Rensmo

