Ämnesdidaktik, ämneslärare

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  • Könings, Karen D; et al, Differences between students' and teachers' perceptions of education: Profiles to describe congruence and friction, Springer science + business media Dordrecht, 2013Obligatorisk (42:11–30)
  • Meyer, Jan H. F.; Land, Ray, Threshold Concepts and Troublesome Knowledge (2): Epistemological Considerations and a Conceptual Framework för Teaching and Learning, Higher Education. Vol 49, No 3, Issues and Learning from a student Learning Perspective: A Tribute to Noel Entwistle, 2005Obligatorisk (373–388)
  • Pang, Ming-Fai; Marton, Ference, Learning Theory as Teaching Resource: Enhancing Students' Understanding of Economic Concepts, International Science. 33, 2005Obligatorisk (159–191)
  • Rovio-Johansson, Airi; Lumsden, Marie, Undervisning och lärande i civilekonomprogrammet: Ett didaktiskt forskningsprojekt i redovisning, Institutionen för pedagogik och didaktik, Gothenburg Research Institute (GRI), Företagsekonomiska institutionenvid Handelshögskolan, Göteborgs universitet. Göteborg.Obligatorisk (Sid 1–23.)
  • Shackelford, Jean, Feminist pedagogy: A means for bringing critical thinking and creativity to the economics classroom, Ingår i: The American economic review., vol. 82, nr. 2, 1992, s. 570–576
  • Hoadley, Susan m.fl., Threshold concepts in finance: Student perspective, Ingår i: International journal of mathematical education in science and technology., vol. 46, nr. 7, 2015, s. 1004–1020Obligatorisk
  • Burman, Anders; Graviz, Ana; Rönnby, Johan, Tradition och praxis i högre utbildning: tolv ämnesdidaktiska studier, Huddinge, Södertörns högskola, 2010Obligatorisk


Hem- och konsumentkunskap


  • Ahonen, S, Historia som kritisk process, Ingår i: Historiedidaktik, Lund, Studentlitteratur, 1997, s. 115–139Obligatorisk
  • Axelsson, Cecilia, Att hantera källor på gymnasienivå, Ingår i: Kritiska perspektiv på historiedidaktiken, Bromma, Historielärarnas förening (HLF), 2013, vol. 2013:2, s. 71–95Obligatorisk
  • Breakstone, Joel, Try, Try, Try Again: The Process of Designing New History Assessments, Theory & Research in Social Education 42:4, 2014Obligatorisk (s 453–485.)
  • Eliasson, Per, Historieämnet i de nya läroplanerna, Ingår i: Historien är närvarande: historiedidaktik som teori och tillämpning, 1. uppl., Lund, Studentlitteratur, 2014, s. 249–271Obligatorisk (s. 249–271.)
  • Eliasson, Per, Progression i historisk kunskap och nationella prov i historia, Ingår i: Historien är närvarande: historiedidaktik som teori och tillämpning, 1. uppl., Lund, Studentlitteratur, 2014, s. 273–294Obligatorisk (s. 273–294.)
  • Jensen, B.E, Historiemedvetande. Begreppsanalys, samhällsteori, didaktik, Ingår i: Historiedidaktik, Lund, Studentlitteratur, 1997Obligatorisk (s. 49–81)
  • Karlsson, Klas-Göran, Historia, historiedidaktik och historiekultur - teori och perspektiv, Ingår i: Historien är närvarande: historiedidaktik som teori och tillämpning, 1. uppl., Lund, Studentlitteratur, 2014Obligatorisk (s. 13–89.)
  • Ledman, Kristina, “Så man kan vara med”: om historieundervisningens värde och mening enligt elever på yrkesprogram, 2015Obligatorisk (s. 83–102.)
  • Lozic, Vanja, Historieundervisningens utmaningar: historiedidaktik för 2000-talet, 1 uppl., Malmö, Gleerups, cop. 2011Obligatorisk
  • Lévesque, Stéphane, On Historical Literacy: Learning to Think Like Historians, Canadian Issues/Thèmes canadiens, 2010Obligatorisk (s.42–46.)
  • Nygren, Thomas, Digitala primärkällor i historieundervisningen: En utmaning för elevers historiska tänkande och historiska empati, Nordidactica, 2014Obligatorisk (s 208–245)
  • Nygren, Thomas, Students Writing History Using Traditional and Digital Archives, Human IT, 12.3, 2014Obligatorisk (s 78–116.)
  • Nygren, Thomas, UNESCO Teaches History: Implementing International Understanding in Sweden," in A History of UNESCO: Global Actions and Impacts, Ingår i: A History of UNESCO: Global Actions and Impacts, London, Palgrave Macmillan UK, 2016Obligatorisk (s.201–230)
  • Porat, D. A., It's not written here, but this is what happened: students' cultural comprehension of textbook narratives on the Israeli-Arab conflict, Ingår i: American educational research journal, vol. 41, nr. 4, 2004, s. 963–996Obligatorisk (s. 963–996)
  • Reisman, Avishag, Reading like a historian: A document-based history curriculum intervention in urban high schools, Cognition and Instruction 30.1, 2012Obligatorisk (s.86–112.)
  • Stolare, Martin, På tal om historieundervisning: Perspektiv på undervisning i historia på mellanstadiet, Acta Didactica Norge 8.1, 2014Obligatorisk (Art-9.)
  • Wineburg, Sam; McGrew, Sarah, Why Students Can't Google Their Way to the Truth, Education Week nov. 1, 2016., 2016Obligatorisk


  • Bjorklun, Eugene C., Teaching about family law: Activities for the high school classroom, The social studies, 84 (3), s. 122-130, 1993Obligatorisk
  • Education and urban society.Obligatorisk (Addington, Lynn A. (2016) Using constitutional law classes to adress the "Civic empowerment gap" among inner-city public high school students. 48 (9) s. 807–826)
  • Ekonomiprogrammet, Skolverket, 2017Obligatorisk (https://www.skolverket.se/laroplaner-amnen-och-kurser/gymnasieutbildning/gymnasieskola/sok-amnen-kurser-och-program/program.htm?lang=sv&programCode=ek001)
  • Exempel på gymnasiearbete inom ekonomiprogrammet - juridik, Skolverket, 2012, https://www.skolverket.se/download/18.49f081e1610d8875002fa0/1517838325742/EK2.pdfObligatorisk
  • Fielding, Glen D; Kameeui, Edward; Gersten, Russel, A comparison of an inquiry and direct instruction approach to teaching legal concepts and applications to secondary school students, Ingår i: The Journal of educational research., vol. 76, nr. 5, 1983, s. 287–293Obligatorisk
  • Golden, Cathleen J.; McDonald, Michael J., Integrating international business law conveptsinto a high school business law course, Ingår i: Delta Pi Epsilon journal., vol. 40, nr. 3, 1988, s. 166–174
  • Kamvounias, Patty, Legal studies in secondary schools: The New South Wales experience, Ingår i: Legal education review., vol. 5, nr. 1, 1994, s. 21–46Obligatorisk
  • Kohlmeier, Jada; Saye, John W., Ethical reasoning of U.S. high shcool seniors exploring just versus unjust laws, Ingår i: Theory and Research in Social Education, vol. 42, nr. 4, 2014, s. 548–578Obligatorisk
  • Le Brun, M.J., Reflection on legal studies courses in Australian secondary schools: instrumental or liberal education?, Ingår i: Adelaide law review, vol. 12, nr. 4, 1990, s. 389–430Obligatorisk
  • Le Brun, Marlene; Clark, Eugene E., The growth of legal education in australian secondary schools: Implications for tertiary and secondary legal education, Ingår i: Legal education review., vol. 1, nr. 2, 1989, s. 217–236
  • Leins, Kobi-Renée, Teaching international humanitarian law and values to secondary school students, Ingår i: Alternative law journal., vol. 27, nr. 6, 2002, s. s. 294Obligatorisk
  • Marsh, Luke; Ramsden, Michael, Reflecting on a high school mooting competition: bridging the gap between secondary and tertiary education, Ingår i: The law teacher., vol. 49, nr. 3, 2015, s. 323–335Obligatorisk
  • O'Neil, Robert M., Civic education and constitutional law. A report on secondary education in America, Ingår i: Journal of teacher education: the journal of policy, practice, and research in teacher education, vol. 34, nr. 6, 1983, s. 14–16Obligatorisk
  • Pietrovito, Patrick J., Socialization in legal norms as part of a high school curriculum, Ingår i: The social studies., vol. 67, nr. 2, 1976, s. 73–75Obligatorisk
  • Ripps, Stephen R.; Berkowitz, Rhoda L., The law school as a resource center: A program in law-related education for private and public high school students, Ingår i: The Teacher educator., vol. 21, nr. 3, 1986, s. 22–28Obligatorisk
  • Spiro, George, Reexamine business law for high school students, Ingår i: Business education forum: official journal of the National business education association, a department of the National education association, vol. 55, nr. 1, 1980, s. 27–30Obligatorisk
  • VanderStaay, Steven L., Law and society in Seattle: Law related education as culturally responsive teaching, Ingår i: Anthropology & education quarterly, vol. 38, nr. 4, 2007, s. 360–379Obligatorisk
  • Yuen, Timothy W. W.; Chong, Eric, Teaching human rights and the rule of law in class: a case study of two secondary schools in Hong Kong, Ingår i: Citizenship, social and economics education: an international journal, vol. 11, nr. 1, 2012, s. 34–44Obligatorisk



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