
NOS-HS exploratory workshop: Resilience, Racism and Colonialism

Uppsala University, 31 October - 1 November 2023

The network Politics and Power of Resilience (POWERS 2023-2024) aims at developing multidisciplinary critical discussions on resilience and its power effects in the Nordic context. The project is funded by The Joint Committee for Nordic research councils in the Humanities and Social Sciences (NOS-HS) and its exploratory workshop program.

The aim of the workshop is to initiate a scholarly discussion on the interlinkages between resilience, colonialism and racism. Rapid and drastic global changes have prompted the political and social scientific use of ‘resilience’. Resilience is narrated as an answer to questions of security, well-being, adaptation as well as to rising xenophobia and postdemocratic values in times of permanent crisis. However, critical resilience scholarship has noted how the need for resilience tends to apply to some groups of people, especially those already marginalised and vulnerable. Research has highlighted the persistence of colonial and racist societal structures and problematised how certain communities become defined by reactive adaptation and disciplined through expectations of endurance. By building on such observations, we ask: How do resilience, racism and colonialism (re)create divisions in contemporary societies and global orders? How can we understand the workings of colonialism under new shapes and manifestations, beyond ideas of linear progress? What kinds of power implications are embedded in the intensifying calls – within various social, political and economic contexts – to embrace and promote resilience? The workshop invites papers that in one way or another examine colonialism, racism and/or resilience. Theoretical, empirical or methodological papers reflecting these topics are welcome.

Minnesdag 2023 – svensk samepolitik får inte glömmas eller gömmas

Amnesty Sápmi, Sameföreningen i Stockholm och Centrum för mångvetenskaplig forskning om rasism bjuder in till en minnesdag – svensk samepolitik får inte glömmas eller gömmas – lördag den 21 oktober 2023, kl. 13:00-17:00.

Vi återkommer med ett detaljerat program, men skriv in minnesdagen redan nu i din kalender. Vi ses på Biograf Skandia på Drottninggatan 82 i Stockholm.

CEMFOR General Conference 2023

On 24-25 August 2023, CEMFOR organized its multi-annual general conference on “Studying Racism, Discrimination and Exclusion: Historical Contingencies, Troubled Contemporary Terrains, and Future Challenges”.

The conference gathered international and Swedish leading experts in the fields of theoretical, empirical and practical research on racism, discrimination and (social, political, economic and cultural) exclusion as well as wider illiberalism such as yourself. The aim of the conference was to discuss key topics in, and challenges ahead, contemporary, critical research on illiberalism and the wider politics of exclusion.

Our discussions will aim to cover a number of themes and will be organised within a number of formats facilitating our discussions. These will include:

CDA MEETING 2023: Critical Discourse, Crisis and the Normalisation of the Politics of Exclusion

  • Datum: 1-2:a juni 2023
  • Plats: Universitetshuset
  • Arrangör: CEMFOR
  • Kontaktperson: Claes Tängh Wrangel

The general theme of the CDA Meeting 2023 reflects the wider global as well as cross-national and nationally-specific developments of recent years. These have been marked by the pandemic and post-pandemic situation as well as the widespread and indeed growing politics of exclusion accelerated by the variety of often overlapping social, political, economic humanitarian, military and other crises as well as they politicisation and mediatisation including, but not limited to, the far right. Presentations and discussions at the CDA Meeting 2023 will therefore look more deeply into theoretical and empirical, critical approaches to discourse within wider processes of social change. Our aim will be to point to as well as deconstruct the inherent role of public discourse in sustaining various practices and regimes of exclusion accelerating in the current context of ubiquitous crisisdriven developments and solidified by a variety of crisis imaginaries disseminated, mediated and communicated nationally and internationally.

Keynote addresses:

  • Ruth Wodak, Chair of the International Advisory Board, Professor of Discourse Studies, University of Vienna, Austria & Lancaster University, UK
  • Teun van Dijk, Professor of Discourse Studies, Pompeu Fabra University Barcelona, Spain.

UPPSAM vårsymposium

Välkommen till vårsymposium arrangerat av Nätverket för samiskrelaterad forskning i Uppsala, UPPSAM. I nätverket verksamma forskare presenterar aktuell forskning, ca 15 minuter, följt av frågor och samtal.

Workshop: Military Imaginaries of AI and the Anthropocene

Uppsala University, 8-9 December 2022

In policy and academic discourse alike, both AI and the Anthropocene are represented as radically disrupting life on earth as we know it, including the future of conflicts and warfare. Steeped in discourses of complexity and posthumanity, both the Anthropocene and AI have been taken to upset the temporality of war, replacing traditional linear security logics of control, defense, and rational preparation with non-linear notions of adaptation and resilience in the face of unknown and complex threats. The advent of AI and the coming of the Anthropocene have also been claimed to substitute modernist conceptualizations of static and predefined borders, separating friend from foe.

In policy discourses of both AI and the Anthropocene, threats are no longer articulated as simply external. On the contrary, threats are presented as both transnational – simultaneously local and global, transcending traditional demarcations between inside and outside – and as transhuman – blurring modernist distinctions between the human world and the non-human. Both AI and the Anthropocene have thus been claimed to replace modernist ideas of human exceptionality, rationality, and boundedness, heralding, in contrast, a posthuman subject—networked, emergent, and formed by non-human objects and agents.

This workshop proposes open discussions on how to understand the impact of AI and the Anthropocene on military imaginaries, discourses, normativities, and practices. It does this by reading the respective novelty of AI and the Anthropocene in tandem, offering a much-needed space of dialogue between critical scholars of AI and the Anthropocene respectively. The ambition is to bridge disciplinary and thematic boundaries—to open up a dialogue of critical scholarship on two domains marked by continued demarcations in both popular and academic discourses, reproducing historical distinctions between the digital and the natural, the artificial and the geological.

Minnesdag - 100 år i skuggan av rasbiologiska institutet

  • Datum: 17 februari 2022, kl. 09.00–17.30
  • Plats: Zoom
  • Webbsida
  • Arrangör: Centrum för Mångvetenskaplig Forskning om Rasism (CEMFOR)
  • Kontaktperson: May-Britt Öhman
  • Temadag

Med anledning av 100 år i skuggan av rasbiologiska institutet arrangerar CEMFOR minnesdag. Rasbiologin är en del av Sveriges historia, som inte får glömmas eller gömmas.

