Master's Programme in Chemistry – Bio and Nano Materials

120 credits

The Master's Programme in Chemistry, specialising in Bio and Nano Materials, is for you who wants a cutting-edge expertise in the area. The studies combine theoretical knowledge and practical skills in polymer chemistry, organic chemistry, chemical biology, and materials chemistry. You will have many opportunities to build your career in both academia or industry.

Autumn 2024 Autumn 2024, Uppsala, 100%, On-campus, English

The Master's Programme in Chemistry, specialising in Bio and Nano Materials, has strong links to world-leading research in the field. It is a unique specialisation and you will have leading experts as teachers. You will have the opportunity to do your degree project in a dynamic and world-class research environment, either at the University or in a private company.

The content of the programme includes the chemical and physical properties of soft materials applied to, for example, medical applications. This is a major growth area and you will learn more about tissue engineering and soft functional materials, both on the nanoscale as well as bulk properties and materials for drug transport and delivery, as an example.

During the programme, you can expect to:

  • have a personal mentor who helps you prepare for your future career,
  • gain access to advanced research instruments,
  • a university with two Nobel prizes in chemistry.

A degree from Uppsala University will give you a close connection to excellent and world-leading research and the opportunity to develop a personal contact network. Our research groups have a well-developed cooperation with other institutions and research agencies which is beneficial for you when choosing a project for the Master's thesis.

Uppsala University is also part of the SciLifeLab which can offer suitable projects for those interested in the field of bio- and nanomaterials. In the Uppsala region, there are several large and small companies and research agencies where you can find interesting projects, which will further add to your contact network. Surveys have shown that the labour market for chemists with a degree from Uppsala University is excellent.

Student profile

You are probably coming directly from your Bachelor's degree with a broad chemistry base or have had a relevant job to strengthen your analytical and experimental skills. Your have good practical training working in a lab, and can select relevant methods and stay safe while doing experiments. You have an analytical mind and are able and willing to express your thoughts in both writing and speaking.


The programme leads to the degree of Master of Science (120 credits) with Chemistry as the main field of study. After one year of study, it is possible to obtain a degree of Master of Science (60 credits).

In the first semester, you will study chemistry courses. They will provide you with the theoretical and experimental skills needed for the subsequent semesters, some of which are common to other specialisations in the Master's Programme in Chemistry.

There is great flexibility in choosing courses according to your background and interests. During the first semester, you can choose to take courses related to biochemistry/chemical biology or more physical and colloid chemistry-related courses, to complement your earlier studies. In the very first course, you will also meet many of the professors in the different fields of chemistry giving seminars about the current trends in their respective research fields.

The courses show the cross-disciplinary aspect of this highly active field. To give you more experience in working in a research group, you can choose a course in research training which will further develop your theoretical knowledge and experimental skills.

During the second and third semesters you will take different courses in, for example, biomaterials, surface and colloid chemistry, soft materials, organic chemistry and nanobiotechnology. All courses include a combination of theory and experimental training.

The programme ends with a degree project of 30 credits during the fourth semester.

Courses within the programme

See the programme outline for courses within the programme.

Instruction takes place in the form of lectures, laboratory work, problem-solving, seminars and projects.

Theory and practical work are always interwoven into the courses. In seminars, you present your ideas and discuss a course book or work you have conducted with your classmates, while the teacher usually only moderates the discussion. The aim is to develop critical thinking and collaborative skills which will be required in your future professional development. All students are expected to be active participants in all forms of discussions.

You will also receive systematic training in both oral and written presentations as an integrated part of the courses. The ability to communicate well will be very important in your future career.

The lecturers are active researchers who will coach you to adopt a scientific approach in your work, where you will develop the necessary skills to solve problems, think critically and analytically, plan and formulate research problems, and independently carry out the necessary experiments and analyse as well as interpret the results.

The language of instruction is English.

Surveys have shown that the labour market for chemists with a degree from Uppsala University is excellent. 97% of those who obtained their degree during the last ten years are either employed or undertaking doctoral studies.

Our former students work at for example:

  • Nouryon
  • Galderma
  • Mercodia AB
  • Rontis Corporation
  • Alfa Laval AB

A Master of Science in Chemistry from Uppsala University will provide you with many opportunities to build an exciting future career in academia, industry, the public sector, or in entrepreneurship. Not only will you gain the knowledge and ability to perform special and advanced tasks in chemistry, you will also be qualified for positions in many other areas where problem-solving, abstract thinking and analytical ability are required.

Possible career paths can vary, you may work with:

  • research and development
  • production processes
  • analysis of materials,
  • management of safety and legal issues
  • patenting of inventions
  • marketing and sales
  • environmental and sustainability issues
  • developing new and improved methods for quality control.

The salary in Sweden can vary greatly depending on education level, work task, previous experience, location, sector, etc.

Career support

During your time as a student, UU Careers offers support and guidance. You have the opportunity to take part in a variety of activities and events that will prepare you for your future career.


  • For questions about the programme, please contact the programme coordinator:
  • For programme-specific information, please contact the study counsellor:
  • For admissions-related or general information, please contact our applicant support team:

