
Have knowledge about the building and its evacuation routes can be crucial in an emergency situation. Study the evacuation plans posted in various locations throughout the building. It is everyone's responsibility to be familiar with the evacuation plan.


In case of an alarm, all individuals in Blåsenhus must evacuate to the assembly point at the parking lot on the inner courtyard. Always follow the green evacuation signs to the clostest emergency exit.

Do not block emergency exits or evacuation routes.

If you notice a blocked exit, plase report to the campus manager

Assembly point

First aid

The reception provides the following:

  • plasters in different sizes
  • bloodstoppers
  • wound cleanser
  • protection kit for mouth-to-mouth-breathing
  • eye and wound cleansing spray


In case of immediate danger to life, health and property, call: 112

University emergency number 018-471 25 00

Uppsala University's emergency number is used in case of:

  • severe personal, environmental, or property damage.
  • damage to the good reputation and profile of the university or its own activities.
  • serious impact on the institution's or the university's operations.

If urgent security support is needed due to difficult situations, please provide the following information:

  1. Your name.
  2. Location (Uppsala University, Blåsenhus, von Kraemers allé 1).
  3. "We need security support immediately due to..."


At Blåsenhus, there are three defibrillators (automated external defibrillators, AEDs). Two are located on the ground floor: one on the wall next to the reception, and the other one near the entrance 1C, at the end of corridor 14, by building 13.

The third defibrillator can be found in the corridor by the staff pentry on the 3rd floor in building 14.

Listen to and follow the instructions when starting the defibrillator.


Questions regarding safety

If you have questions, concerns, or suggestions, please contact the campus manager.

