Safety and environment

Campus Ekonomikum must be safe, secure and sustainable for employees, students and visitors. The environmental and safety work at Uppsala University and Ekonomikum affects all employees and students. It is everyone's responsibility to familiarise themselves with the information below regarding safety and environment.

In case of immediate danger to life, health or property:

  • Call 112
  • Inform University Emergency Number: 018-471 2500
  • Meet rescue vehicles and show them the way to the emergency
  • Evacuate if necessary


Defibrillators are available on several locations at Ekonomikum. Find them via Mazemap:

First Aid

A first aid kit is available at reception on level 2.

Fire and evacuation

Knowledge of the building and escape routes, can be cruical in a crisis situation.

Stay up-to-date with the evacuation plans. These can be found next to all stairwells and exits. The evacuation plans you will inform you about what to do in the event of a fire and where escape routes and assembly points are located.

Waste management / recycling

Waste becomes a valuable resource when sorted properly and can be used for new products or energy. Energy consumption is thereby reduced and the use of natural resources is reduced. Help by sorting your waste in the waste sorting units available at Ekonomikum.

Contacts for questions on safety and environment at Ekonomikum

In case of an emergency, or fear of your safety on campus grounds, call the university's emergency number: 018-471 2500 (manned 24 hours).

