Find on English Park Campus

Because English Park's buildings are constructed in stages and built together, it can be difficult to find your way around the campus. The basement level of one building may be the ground floor when you move to another.

Start by finding out which building you are going to. The house number is the first number to the left of the hyphen. The numbers that follow indicate first the floor, and then the number of the hall. In the example Eng 6 - 1023 it is house 6, floor 1, room 23.

If there is a K before it, it indicates that the room is on the basement level. For example 2-K1028 is house 2, basement level, room 28. It is not always logical what order the rooms are located on the floor. House 2 also has a half floor.


To easily find your way between and within campuses, you can use the Mazemap map service on your computer, smartphone or tablet. You can search directly for a room and have it placed on the map, e.g. English Park 2-0022.

You can easily navigate the system by zooming in and out, selecting a floor with the list on the right, and even get directions for the shortest route to your destination.

Finding your way around with Mazemap

Several rooms in the English Park have been formally named after important historical figures. Or simply nicknamed and passed on from student to student.

Geijersalen: room 6 - 1023
Ihralen: room 21 - 0011
Humanities Theatre: room 22 - 0008
Rausing Room: room 6 - 3025
Chomskyrummet: room 9 - 2043 (computer room for Linguistics and Philology)
Torgny Segerstedt: room 2 - 1026
Hans L. Zetterberg: room 3 - 1012
Kajutan: room 16 - 1015
Widmarkrummet: room 16 - 2041

Drawing room: House 4, floor 3
Cave: room 2 - K1061
Former 'Master Room': room 2 - K1033
Language Lab: room 7 - 0050
Philosopher's seminar room: room 2 - 1022
Cultural anthropologist's seminar room: room 2 - K1029

Wifi for guests

UU guest is the name of the University's wireless network for temporary guests and visitors. The username and password are sent via SMS to your smartphone and are valid for 24 hours.


Instructions how to connect to the network UU-guest


