Annual Conference

Nuclear weapons are now on top of the agenda again in a way not seen for decades. The need to learn about the preconditions for nuclear disarmament in a broad sense is thus all the more evident. Issues range from risk reduction, arms control, and non-proliferation in the immediate term to achieving security communities and disarmament in the long term, and concern many different disciplines and fields of inquiry.

In this context, the Alva Myrdal Centre will host an Annual Conference in Uppsala, Sweden. The annual conference is intended as a space to share and discuss research and ideas on nuclear disarmament, and aims to combine insights from the social sciences, natural sciences and other disciplines, as well as from practical experience.

The conference is a hybrid event and in addition to scientific panels we encourage activities aimed at facilitating exchanges between academics, practitioners, civil society and the interested public.

The next Annual Conference will take place in June 2025. The call for proposals will be open October to November 2024.


The AMC Cross-Disciplinary Conference is an opportunity to…

  • Network with academics, practitioners and others interested in nuclear disarmament;
  • Learn about the latest research in the field of nuclear disarmament;
  • Influence the future of nuclear disarmament research and policy by presenting your own work or by contributing with your knowledge and perspectives to enhance the research presented.
AMC conference meetup

Voices from the AMC Annual Conference

“The high quality of the presentations and the presence of so many gifted young scholars from Europe and around the world was very encouraging. I learned a lot and gained new knowledge and perspectives on a number of important issues.”

“The professionalism and scientific level at the conference was of a high class.”

“Top quality all the way through the event.”

“The venue was great, the organization was great, the sessions were really diverse in topic and highly relevant. I learned a lot!”

