The Ethics Blog

On the Ethics Blog and its Swedish language sister blog Etikbloggen we discuss the significance of research and the questions raised by the results.

Pär Segerdahl is editor of both blogs. He invites you to have a look, a read and a bit of dialogue with us at Etikbloggen and the Ethics Blog.

The Ethics Blog: A research blog from CRB

Visit The Ethics Blog or its Swedish language sister blog Etikbloggen.

  • Philosophy on a chair

    Philosophy is an unusual activity, partly because it can be conducted to such a large extent while sitting still. Philosophers do not need research vessels, laboratories or archives to work on their questions. Just a chair to sit on. Why is it like that? The answer is that philosophers examine our ways of thinking, and […]
    The post Philosophy on a chair appeared first on The Ethics Blog.

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  • End-of-life care: ethical challenges experienced by critical care nurses

    In an intensive care unit, seriously ill patients who need medical and technical support for central bodily functions, such as breathing and circulation, are monitored and treated. Usually it goes well, but not all patients survive, despite the advanced and specialized care. An intensive care unit can be a stressful environment for the patient, not […]
    The post End-of-life care: ethical challenges experienced by critical care nurses appeared first on The Ethics Blog.

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  • Artificial consciousness and the need for epistemic humility

    As I wrote in previous posts on this blog, the discussion about the possibility of engineering an artificial form of consciousness is growing along with the impressive advances of artificial intelligence (AI). Indeed, there are many questions arising from the prospect of an artificial consciousness, including its conceivability and its possible ethical implications. We  deal […]
    The post Artificial consciousness and the need for epistemic humility appeared first on The Ethics Blog.

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  • Of course, but: ethics in palliative practice

    What is obvious in principle may turn out to be less obvious in practice. That would be at least one possible interpretation of a new study on ethics in palliative care. Palliative care is given to patients with life-threatening illnesses that cannot be cured. Although palliative care can sometimes contribute to extending life somewhat, the […]
    The post Of course, but: ethics in palliative practice appeared first on The Ethics Blog.

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  • What is hidden behind the concept of research integrity?

    In order to counteract scientific misconduct and harmful research, one often talks about protecting and supporting research integrity. The term seems to cover three different aspects of research, although the differences may not always be fully in mind. The term can refer to the character traits of individual researchers, for example, that the researcher values […]
    The post What is hidden behind the concept of research integrity? appeared first on The Ethics Blog.

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