Guest researchers FAQ

On this page you will find some common questions and answers about applying to be a guest researcher at the Centre for Gender Research.

Can the Centre provide funding for my research project?

No, unfortunately the Centre is not able to contribute with financial aid. If accepted, you will be provided with office facilities. All guest researchers have to pay a bench fee of 40.000 SEK per annum.

How do I apply to become a guest researcher at the Centre?

You may send your application to the Centre at any time of the year. Your application must be complete and should contain the following:

  • Motivation letter
  • Research proposal (maximum two pages)
  • Planned finance
  • CV
  • Preferred dates of stay

All the materials need to be in English or Swedish and should be sent to Gabriele Griffin.

We receive a high number of requests each year; unfortunately we are not able to accept all applicants. There is no strict number of applicants accepted each year; the possibility to host a guest researcher varies depending on available office spaces and relevance of research project to the Centre for Gender Research.

Can the Centre help me find accommodation in Uppsala?

The Centre is not able to provide accommodation for you but once accepted you will receive information about different options how to find a place to stay. We recommend that you start looking for an apartment as soon as possible since Uppsala is a University town and it can be both difficult and expensive to find a place to stay. You can also contact Uppsala University Housing Office.


  • If you have further questions, please contact:
  • Gabriele Griffin
  • We hope to see you at the Centre for Gender Research!

