Completed research projects at the Centre for Gender Research

Read more about completed projects at the Centre for Gender Research in the list below.

Ongoing projects at the Centre for Gender Research


Gender in e-Science
Öznur Karakas

En bild säger mer än tusen ord: Barns perspektiv, positioner och påverkansmöjligheter i förskolans dokumentationspraktik
Catarina Wahlgren

Thai Surrogate Mothers’ Experiences of Transnational Commercial Surrogacy: Navigating Local Morality and Global Markets
Elina Nilsson

Global equestrian cultures in change: New gendered human-horse relations emerging from Western riding?
Andrea Petitt
Funded by: The Swedish Research Council and The Swedish Society for Anthropology and Geography (SSAG)

Figuring Worlds; Imagining Paths: A Feminist Exploration of Identities in Higher Education Biology
Katerina Pia Günter

Women and Biological Research Careers in Higher Education in Mozambique: A Case Study of Two Public Universities
Juvêncio Manuel Nota

Intimate Partner Violence and Help-Seeking in Lesbian and Queer Relationships: Challenging Recognition
Nicole Ovesen

Maternal Abandonment and Queer Resistance in Twenty-First-Century Swedish Literature
Jenny Björklund

Att ge mig mitt perspektiv – Rasbiologernas spår i det samiska folkhemmet
Katarina Pirak Sikku
Funded by: The Swedish Research Council

Trainee teacher identities in the discourses of physics teacher education: Going against the flow of university physics
Johanna Larsson

Virtues for freedmen – a question of masculinity?
Lisa Hagelin
Funded by: Riksbankens jubileumsfond

Evaluating work of comparable worth: The use of job evaluation systems as promotors of gender equal salaries in the Swedish municipal sector
Minna Salminen Karlsson (PI) and Anna Fogelberg Eriksson
Funded by: Forte

Mentorsmetoden som ett medel att stärka kvinnors hälsa i relation till HIV och ojämlika könsrelationer
Mona Eliasson
Funded by: Forte

The prospects for Swedish farming: agrarian change and household strategies
Erik Westholm (PI), Cecilia Waldenström, Flora Hajdu, Camilla Eriksson
Funded by: Formas

Digitalisering och dess effekter på sjuksköterskors arbetsmiljö (DISA)
Åsa Cajander (PI), Lars Oestreicher, Diane Golay, Ida Löscher, Gerolf Nauwerck, Thomas Lind, Christiane Grünloh, Minna Salminen-Karlsson

Mother Anyway
Anna Williams, Margaretha Fahlgren, Helena Wahlström Henriksson, Cecilia Petterson, Christine Rubertsson, Sara Sylvén, Lisa Grahn, Sigrid Schottenius Cullhed
Funded by: The Swedish Research Council

Towards an Inclusive Common European Framework for Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ART): Queer & Transgender Reproduction in the Age of ART
Doris Leibetseder
Funded by: Marie-Sklowska-Curie Individual Fellowship Program

Safe and Sustainable Energy Futures in Sápmi: Assumptions and Actions, Visions and Decisions
May-Britt Öhman and Eva-Charlotta Helsdotter
Funded by: Formas

Ulleråker – Functionality norms and cultural heritage
Cecilia Rodéhn (PI) and Hedvig Mårdh
Funded by: Riksantikvarieämbetet

Tjejlopp som kulturellt fenomen: villkor för kvinnors motionsidrottande
Karin S. Lindelöf (PI) and Annie Woube
Funded by: Riksbankens jubileumsfond and Centrum för idrottsforskning

Clitoris reconstructive surgery after female genital cutting
Malin Jordal

"Other Guys Don't Hang Out Like This": Gendered Friendship Politics Among Swedish, Middle-Class Men
Klara Goedecke

The formation of successful physics students: Discourse and identity perspectives on university physics
Anders Johansson

To Plan or Not to Plan: Gender Perspectives on Pregnancy Planning, Fertility Awareness and Preconception Health and Care
Maja Bodin

Staging the succesful student in higher education
Anne-Sofie Nyström (PI), Minna Salminen Karlsson, Carolyn Jackson
Funded by: The Swedish Research Council

In the borderland between academic disciplines and school science – science faculty s teacher educators
Kristina Andersson (PI), Annica Gullberg, Anna Danielsson, Susanne Engström, Maja Elmgren, Anita Hussénius, Martha Blomqvist
Funded by: The Swedish Research Council

Becoming Human: Gender Theory and Animals in a More-than-Human World
Jacob Bull (PI), Ann-Sofie Lönngren, Per Segerdahl
Funded by: The Swedish Research Council

Changing Animal Bodies: Breeding Responses to Environmental, Economic and Social Pressures
Jacob Bull, Elsa Coimbra, Camilla Eriksson, Andrea Petitt, Joel Nord, Helena Nordström Källström
Funded by: Formas

'Corrective Rape' and Black Lesbian Sexualities in Contemporary South African Cutural Texts
Nadine Lake

Feministisk genetik (FemGen)
Annica Gullberg

Gender and the Rhetoric of Family Law Reforms in India
Chitra Sinha

Art and Nature. The Early German Romantics, Schelling and Adorno
Camilla Flodin
Funded by: The Swedish Research Council

Queer(y)ing Kinship in the Baltic Region
Ulrika Dahl (PI), Antu Sorainen, Joanna Mizielinska
Funded by: Östersjöstiftelsen

The Gender Binary City
Signe Bremer
Funded by: Forte

Zoo/mbies & nature morte Bodies in museums 1800-2008
Anna Samuelsson

Female Masculinity in Interwar Sweden: Play, Agency, Desire
Jenny Ingemarsdotter
Funded by: The Swedish Research Council

Kulturarvet som högskolepedagogisk resurs vid Uppsala universitet
Cecilia Rodéhn and Hedvig Mårdh

Norms and values in a chemistry discourse: Discursive analyses of the Swedish national test in chemistry and student answers
Marie Ståhl

Ju värre desto bättre… Unga som skadar sig med sex och rättens roll att skydda
Jenny Westerstrand

Jämställdhet på BESTA sätt – Koder och kön i statens lönestatistik
Minna Salminen Karlsson
Funded by: Vinnova

Rivers resistance resilience: Sustainable futures in Sápmi and in other indigenous peoples’ territories
May-Britt Öhman
Funded by: Formas

