Special BUP conference session

As a part of the Polish BUP Presidency we are pleased to announce this special session at the second Scientific Conference from the series "Universities facing challenges of sustainable development". The session aims to review activities and good practices in relation to how universities are involved in the implementation of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals. 

This special session will take place on 9 April 2024 at 11:45-13:15 in an online formula using the MS Teams application. Participation in the session is free of charge.

In particular, there is an interest in the issue of creating universities as leaders in activities for sustainable development in local and regional socio-economic systems. Academic institutions can and should be natural facilitators of the processes of green transformation of modern societies and economies, ensuring in particular the transfer of knowledge for practical applications for the implementation of sustainable development within cities, local communities and other organisations.

Taking into account over thirty years of practice in promoting the idea of sustainable development, we would like to compare the practices and activities in this field of universities from BUP participating universities with the experiences of other European countries.

Submit an application for conference presentations (estimated time for the presentation is approx. 15 minutes) by 22 March 2024. Passive participation in the session (without presentation) is also possible.

