The BUP welcome newly elected Student Representative

A group of people standing in and around a round staircase.

Participants at the BUP Student Conference 2024. The election of a Student Representative takes place at the end of the conference, during the Students' Parliament. Photo: Pontus Ambros

Last week the BUP Student Conference took place. The attending students take part in the Students' Parliament where they elect a new Student Representative for the BUP International Board. The new Student Representative is Paul Grohmann representing Lund University.

People standing among trees, looking up.

Photo: Pontus Ambros

The Baltic University Programme (BUP) has two student representatives on the International Board. The representatives are elected by democratic vote in the Students' Parliament, which is held during the Student Conference. This years conference was held in Poznan 15-18 April. The new representative Paul has a two year mandate and joins Niumi Dissanayake that has one year left on her mandate as a BUP Student Representative.

Here is a presentation as well as Pauls thoughts about the role as a BUP Student Representative:

"My name is Paul Grohmann, I am 21 years old and currently pursuing my bachelor’s degree in development studies at Lund University, Sweden. My academic and professional experiences have been centered around sustainable development and international relations, which aligns perfectly with my role as the BUP Student Representative.

First of all, I want to thank all the students who attended the BUP Student Conference in Poznan and entrusted me with the role of Student Representative for the next two years. The time we spent together was not only incredibly fun, but it also allowed us to build meaningful connections, which I really appreciate. I am thrilled about the opportunity to work alongside the BUP International Board and contribute to the Programmes mission. My main priorities include supporting in the planning of future conferences and maintaining the high standards that I experienced firsthand. Furthermore, I believe that our voices as students from leading universities in the region should be heard. That is why I plan to engage stakeholders and politicians at future conferences. Doing so will ensure that our shared experiences and knowledge lead to real, noticeable changes.

More about me: I am passionate about sports, including going to the gym, playing and watching football, and practicing martial arts. I also have a strong interest in politics and classic philosophy and I never miss an opportunity to travel with my close friends.

Don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or would like to discuss any ideas!"

Paul will attend his first board meeting in June. If you want to contact Paul you can email him via

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