Uppsala Studies in Ancient Mediterranean and Near Eastern Civilizations

Boreas is part of Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis and is available for sale at Uppsala University Library. Here is a list of all volumes in the Boreas series.

Boreas 1. Carl Nylander, Jonians in Pasargadae. Studies in old Persian architecture, 1970.

Boreas 2. Gun Björkman, Kings at Karnak. A study of the treatment of the monuments of royal predecessors in the Early New Kingdom, 1971.

Boreas 3. Margareta Lindgren, The people of Pylos. Prosopographical and methodological studies in the Pylos archives. Part I: A prosopographical catalogue of individuals and groups, 1973.

Part II: The use of personal designations and their interpretation, 1973.

Part I and II: 426 s

Boreas 4. Excavations in the Barbouna area at Asine, eds. Inga & Robin Hägg. Fasc. 1: 1973; Fasc. 2: 1978. Fasc. 3 in prep.; Fasc. 4: 1980.

Boreas 5. Birgitta Bergquist, Herakles on Thasos. The archaeological, literary and epigraphic evidence for his sanctuary, status and cult reconsidered, 1973.

Boreas 6. From the Gustavianum collections in Uppsala, (1): The Victoria museum for Egyptian antiquities, eds. Sture Brunssåker och Hans-Åke Nordström,1974.

Boreas 7. Robin Hägg, Die Gräber der Argolis in submykenischer, protogeometrischer und geometrischer Zeit. 1: Lage und Form der Gräber, 1974.

Boreas 8. Gisela Wahlberg, Kamares. A study of the character of palatial Middle Minoan pottery, 1976.

Boreas 9. From the Gustavianum collections in Uppsala, 2: The collection of classical antiquities. History and studies of selected objects, 1978.

Boreas 10. Gisela Wahlberg, The Kamares style. Overall effects, 1978.

Boreas 11. Gertie Englund, Akh – un notation religieuse dans l’Egypte pharonique, 1978.

Boreas 12. Magnus Ottosson, Temples and cult places in Palestine, 1980.

Boreas 13. Sundries in honour of Torgny Säve-Söderbergh, 1984.

Boreas 14. Lana Troy, Patterns of queenship in ancient Egyptian myth and history, 1986.

Boreas 15. Gifts to the gods. Proceedings of the Uppsala symposium 1985, eds. Tullia Linders & Gullög Nordquist, 1987.

Boreas 16. Gullög C. Nordquist, A Middle Helladic village. Asine in the Argolid, 1987.

Boreas 17. Architecture and society in Hecatomnid Caria. Proceedings of the Uppsala symposium 1987, eds. Tullia Linders & Pontus Hellström, 1989.

Boreas 18. Brita Alroth, Greek gods and figurines. Aspects of the anthropomorphic dedications, 1989.

Boreas 19. Stig Forsberg, Near Eastern destruction datings as sources for Greek and Near Eastern Iron Age chronology. Archaeological and historical studies. The cases of Samaria (722 B.C.) and Tarsus (696 B.C.), 1995.

Boreas 20. The religion of the ancient Egyptians. Cognitive structures and popular expressions. Proceedings of symposia in Uppsala and Bergen 1987 and 1988, ed. Gertie Englund, 1989.

Boreas 21. Economics of cult in the ancient Greek world. Proceedings of the Uppsala Symposium 1990, eds. Tullia Linders & Brita Alroth, 1992.

Boreas 22. From the Gustavianum collections in Uppsala, 3: The Collection of classical antiquities. Studies of selected objects, ed. Mary Blomberg, 1993.

Boreas 23. Kerstin Höghammar, Sculpture and society. A study of the connection between the free-standing sculpture and society on Kos in the Hellenistic and Augustan periods, 1993.

Boreas 24. Religion and power in the ancient Greek world. Proceedings of the Uppsala symposium 1993, eds. Pontus Hellström & Brita Alroth, 1996.

Boreas 25. Peter E. Blomberg, On Corinthian iconography. The bridled winged horse and the helmeted female head in the sixth century BC, 1996.

Boreas 26. Katarina Nordh, Aspects of ancient Egyptian curses and blessings. Conceptual background and transmission, 1996.

Boreas 27. Johannes Siapkas, Heterological Ethnicit. Conceptualizing identities in ancient Greece, 2003.

Boreas 28. The Hellenistic polis of Kos. State, economy and culture. Proceedings of an International Seminar organized by the Department of Archaeology and Ancient History, Uppsala University, 11-13 May, 2000, ed. Kerstin Höghammar, 2004.

Boreas 29. Erika Weiberg, Thinking the Bronze Age. Life and death in Early Helladic Greece, 2007.

Boreas 30. Hedvig Landenius-Enegren, The people of Knossos. Prosopographical studies in the Knossos Linear B archives, 2008.

Boreas 31. Lena Sjögren, Fragments of Archaic Crete. Archaeological studies on time and space, 2008.

Boreas 32. Labraunda and Karia. Proceedings of the International Symposium Commemorating Sixty Years of Swedish Archaeological Work in Labraunda.The Royal Swedish Academy of Letters History and Antiquities, Stockholm, November 20-21, 2008. Edited by Lars Karlsson and Susanne Carlsson. 2011.

Boreas 33. Weilguni, Marina: Streets, Speces and Places : Three Pompeiian Movement Axes Analysed. 2011. 318p. (Boreas. Uppsala Studies in Ancient Mediterranean and Near Eastern Civilizations, 0346-6442 ; 33)

Boreas 34. Höghammar, Kerstin (ed.): Ancient Ports : The Geography of Connections. 2016. 346p. (Boreas. Uppsala Studies in Ancient Mediterranean and Near Eastern Civilizations, 0346-6442 ; 34)

Boreas 35. Karlsson, Lars (ed.): Labrys : Studies presented to Pontus Hellström. 2014. 533p. (Boreas. Uppsala Studies in Ancient Mediterranean and Near Eastern Civilizations, 0346-6442 ; 35)

Boreas 36. Hein, Irmgard (ed.): The Pyramids : Between Life and Death. 2016. (Boreas. Uppsala Studies in Ancient Mediterranean and Near Eastern Civilizations, 0346-6442 ; 36)

Boreas 37. Dahlén, Ashk (ed.): Achaemenid Anatolia: Persian Presence and Impact in the Western Satrapies 546–330 BC?: Proceedings of an International Symposium at the Swedish Research Institute in Istanbul, 7–8 September 2017. 1st ed. Uppsala: 2019. 216p. (Boreas. Uppsala Studies in Ancient Mediterranean and Near Eastern Civilizations, ISSN 0346-6442 ; 37) 978-91-513-0794-7

